
Goldcoats are awarded to the members of gold medal winning NZ crews in Lightweight Premier events at Nationals.

Premier is the highest ability level. The Goldcoats recognise achievement by Lightweights at that level.

Competitors receive their Goldcoat once; the first time they qualify.

Please note that, at present, rowIT only has Goldcoat data from 2007 onwards.

Nationals 2016
Nationals 2008

* competitors appearing here will have won their Goldcoat while representing a different organisation (a club)
* the list of Goldcoats is incomplete, as rowIT only has results for Nationals since 2007.

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You only require a rowIT login for running regattas or if you have been given the job of making entries for an organisation.


Clubs. If you only have a password for the RowingNZ website then you will need a rowIT login so please contact us.

Schools. If you have a password provided by NZSSRA then you should log in through the school rowing website.