Results: Long Distance Race

These static regatta results provide basic access to the outcome of the regatta.

They are not usually linked to from the profiles of the competitors or clubs/schools involved.

Boat #ClubCrewStart TimeFinish TimeRace Time
4WKOCM Mst 1X (Jeff)0:0049:5949:59
42WKOUM Mst 2X (Christie)10:0054:44:35
20CAMCMx Mst 4X (Judkje)5:3049:3344:03
21CAMCW Mst 4X (Nicky)4:2059:2155:01
23WKOCM Mst 4X (Steve)5:1550:4145:26
30TAWCMx 8+ (Ray)11:3070:5259:22
31CAMCM Mst 8+ (Neville)8:3052:2543:55
45WKOUMx 8+ (Jared)10:0052:2142:41

Results sourced here.

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Schools. If you have a password provided by NZSSRA then you should log in through the school rowing website.