N.I. Secondary School Championships
NZ Rowing Championships
Maadi Regatta
N.I. Secondary School Championships
N.I. Secondary School Championships
NZ Rowing Championships
N.I. Secondary School Championships
NZ Rowing Championships
Petone Solstice and 125th Celebrations
Matariki Masters
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers North Island Masters Championships
Maadi Regatta
WRA Back-up date
N.I. Secondary School Championships
McLachlan Shield
Junior Regatta 3
89th Head of Harbour Regatta
Wellington Provincial Championships
North Island Rowing Championships
Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
Karapiro Christmas Regatta 1
Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
Blake Construction Jury Cup
Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
Karapiro Club Regatta 2
Norton Cup
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2 12
Porirua RC Goodwill
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1 1
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
Bennett Shield Regatta
Rotorua 1000m
Clive Steenson Memorial Regatta
Rigtec Engineering Ltd Billy Webb Challenge
Queens Cup
The Tonks Small Boat Race
North Island Provincial Regatta
NZ Masters Championships
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
Redding Shield
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
Manawatu Grunt
Bishop Owen Oar
Mothes Shield
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
Petone Solstice
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers North Island Masters Championships
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
North vs South (Juniors)
Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
Battle of the Bombay
Aon University Rowing Championships
McLachlan Shield Back-up date
Aon N.I. Secondary School Championships
Aon Junior Regatta 3
NZ Rowing Championships
88th Head of Harbour Regatta
College Sport Auckland Schools Regatta
McLachlan Shield
North Island Rowing Championships
Rigtec Billy Webb Challenge
Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
Karapiro Christmas Regatta 1
Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
Jury Cup
Karapiro Club Regatta 2
Wellington Provincial Championships
Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2 12
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1 1
Norton Cup
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
Rotorua 1000m
Ultimate Pools Bennett Shield Regatta
Porirua RC Goodwill
Clive Steenson Memorial Regatta
Porirua Goodwill
The Tonks Small Boat Race
Queens Cup
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
Redding Shield
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
Bishop Owen Oar
Mothes Shield
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
U21 Trans-Tasman 1
Manawatu Grunt
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
Petone Solstice
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
North vs South (Juniors)
Aon Maadi Regatta
McLachlan Shield Back-up date
Aon N.I. Secondary School Championships
College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
Aon Junior Regatta 3
McLachlan Shield
North Island Rowing Championships
Rigtec Billy Webb Challenge
Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
Karapiro Christmas Regatta 1
Wellington Provincial Championships
Jury Cup
Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
Porirua RC Goodwill
Karapiro Club Regatta 2
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Head of the river)
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2 12
Norton Cup
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1 1
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
R F Bennett Memorial Shield
Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River
Rotorua 1000m
Clive Steenson Memorial Regatta
Goodwill Trophy
Queens Cup
The Tonks Small Boat Race
North Island Provincial Regatta
John Howard Memorial Series 2
Aon University Rowing Championships
NZ Masters Championships
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
Redding Shield
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
John Howard Memorial Series 1
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
Battle of the Bombay
Bishop Owen Oar
Mothes Shield
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
Manawatu Grunt
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
Petone Solstice
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
North vs South (Juniors)
College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
Aon NISSC Girls Events 6
Aon NISSC Boys Events 5
McLachlan Shield
Aon Junior Boys Events Regatta 23
Bay of Plenty School Regatta
Aon Junior Girls Events Regatta 3
North Island Rowing Championships
Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
Norton Cup
Karapiro Christmas Regatta 1
BOP Regional Regatta
Jury Cup
Mercer Club Regatta
Karapiro Club Regatta, Day 2 22
Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
Karapiro Club Regatta, Day 1 2
Wellington Provincial Championships
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Head of the river)
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2 12
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1 1
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
R F Bennett Memorial Shield
Porirua RC Goodwill
Rotorua 1000m
Clive Steenson Memorial Regatta
Redding Shield
Waikato River Race
Queens Cup
The Tonks Small Boat Race
North Island Provincial Regatta
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) North Island Masters Championships
Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
Wellington Masters Championships
Bishop Owen Oar
Mothes Shield
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
Manawatu Grunt
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
Petone Solstice
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
North vs South (Juniors)
Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
N.I. Secondary School champions 1
S.I. Secondary School champions 1
Aon Maadi
Wgtn Masters & Juniors Regatta
Aon N.I. Secondary School Championships
Aon Junior Regatta 3
McLachlan Shield
College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
NZ Masters Games 4km Race
Whanganui Club and School Championships
North Island Rowing Championships
Billy Webb Challenge
Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
Karapiro Christmas Regatta 1
Cobb-Vantress Mercer Club Regatta
Jury Cup
Wellington Provincial Championships
Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
Karapiro Club Regatta 2
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Head of the river)
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2 12
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1 1
R F Bennett Memorial Shield
Norton Cup
Rotorua 1000m
Karapiro Te Awamutu Spring Regatta
Waikato 100
Porirua RC Goodwill
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
The Tonks Small Boat Race
Queens Cup
North Island Provincial Regatta
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 6
ARC 6K Winter Series race 7
Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River
John Howard Memorial Series 2
ARC 6K Winter Series race 6
Horowhenua Masters Regatta
NZ Masters Championships
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
Redding Shield
ARC 6K Winter Series race 5
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
Legion North Island Masters Championships
ARC 6K Winter Series race 4
John Howard Memorial Series 1
Bishop Owen Oar
Mothes Shield
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
ARC 6K Winter Series race 3
Manawatu Grunt
ARC 6K Winter Series race 2
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
ARC 6K Winter Series race 1
Petone Solstice
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
- - see All Results page - -
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