Open for extended entry for WK

These Waikato regattas are currently open for late or supplementary* entry through rowIT.

10 Feb 2025

There are no Waikato regattas open for late entries at present. However, you could check open or closed regattas to see what stage upcoming Waikato regattas are at.

Note: supplementary entries are late entries but only open for a limited number of events. Those events are usually only ones where accepting late entries won't require extra races to be added to the regatta. Supplementary entries are dynamic. Events will open and close as crews are scratched and entered. So anybody who is hoping for a supplementary but unable to get one should check back from time to time.

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You only require a rowIT login for running regattas or if you have been given the job of making entries for an organisation.


Clubs. If you only have a password for the RowingNZ website then you will need a rowIT login so please contact us.

Schools. If you have a password provided by NZSSRA then you should log in through the school rowing website.