Past regattas with rowIT entry
These regattas were open for entry through rowIT in the past.
Users can still get a copy of entry documents for their past regattas.
- 8 Feb: 89th Head of Harbour Regatta
- 1 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 1 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 24 Jan: North Island Rowing Championships
- 18 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 18 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 3 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 14 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 13 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 7 Dec: Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
- 7 Dec: Blake Construction Jury Cup
- 30 Nov: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 30 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 23 Nov:
Norton Cup - 17 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2
- 16 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 16 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1
- 3 Nov:
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta - 2 Nov: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 2 Nov: Bennett Shield Regatta
- 2 Nov: Rotorua 1000m
- 19 Oct: Queens Cup
- 28 Sep: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 28 Sep: North Island Provincial Regatta
- 28 Sep: R2K Singles Regatta
- 21 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 31 Aug: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 25 Aug:
Redding Shield - 4 Aug:
Manawatu Grunt - 4 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 2 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 23 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 31 May: U21 Trans-Tasman
- 25 May: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers North Island Masters Championships
- 26 Apr: Glendhu Bay Hampshire Holiday Parks South Island Masters
- 29 Mar: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 18 Mar: Aon Maadi Regatta
- 9 Mar:
McLachlan Shield Back-up date - 1 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 1 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 24 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 24 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 13 Feb: NZ Rowing Championships
- 10 Feb: 88th Head of Harbour Regatta
- 4 Feb: College Sport Auckland Schools Regatta
- 4 Feb:
McLachlan Shield - 27 Jan: North Island Rowing Championships
- 27 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 20 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 13 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 5 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 15 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 9 Dec: Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
- 9 Dec: Jury Cup
- 9 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 2 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 25 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Championships - 19 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2
- 18 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1
- 11 Nov: Norton Cup
- 5 Nov: Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
- 4 Nov:
Rotorua 1000m - 4 Nov: Ultimate Pools Bennett Shield Regatta
- 28 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 28 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 8 Oct:
Queens Cup - 24 Sep: R2K Singles Regatta
- 23 Sep: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 16 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 10 Sep: Redding Shield
- 3 Sep: World Rowing World Championships
- 2 Sep: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 13 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 13 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 2 Aug: World Rowing U19 Championships
- 27 Jul: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 19 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 16 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 7 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 18 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 16 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 3 Jun: Oxley's South Island Masters
- 13 May: Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 8 Apr: University Rowing Championships
- 27 Mar: Aon Maadi Regatta
- 10 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 10 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 4 Mar: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 25 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 25 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 14 Feb: NZ Rowing Championships
- 11 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 28 Jan: North Island Rowing Championships
- 28 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 21 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 14 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 2 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 16 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 10 Dec: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 10 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 3 Dec: Jury Cup
- 3 Dec: Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
- 26 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 26 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 13 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2
- 12 Nov: Norton Cup
- 12 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1
- 6 Nov: Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
- 5 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 29 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 29 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 16 Oct: Queens Cup
- 8 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 8 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 1 Oct: North Island Provincial Regatta
- 23 Sep: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 17 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 4 Sep:
Redding Shield - 3 Sep: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 7 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 7 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 27 Jul: World Rowing U19 Championships
- 25 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 24 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 14 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 8 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 26 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 16 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 4 Jun: South Island Masters
- 27 May: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 14 May: Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 28 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 19 Mar: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 13 Mar: Aon NISSC Girls Events
- 11 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 11 Mar: Aon NISSC Boys Events
- 5 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 27 Feb: Aon Junior Boys Events Regatta
- 26 Feb:
Bay of Plenty School Regatta - 26 Feb: Aon Junior Girls Events Regatta
- 26 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 26 Feb: Meridian S.I. Junior Regatta
- 14 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 29 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 28 Jan:
North Island Rowing Championships - 22 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 15 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 3 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 18 Dec:
Norton Cup - 17 Dec:
Karapiro Christmas Regatta - 11 Dec: BOP Regional Regatta
- 11 Dec:
Jury Cup - 11 Dec:
Mercer Club Regatta - 11 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 5 Dec:
Karapiro Club Regatta, Day 2 - 4 Dec:
Karapiro Club Regatta, Day 1 - 27 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Championships - 14 Nov:
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2 - 13 Nov:
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1 - 7 Nov:
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta - 6 Nov:
R F Bennett Memorial Shield - 6 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 30 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 30 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 29 Oct: NZ Masters Championships
- 17 Oct:
Redding Shield - 17 Oct:
Waikato River Race - 17 Oct:
Queens Cup - 9 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 9 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 2 Oct:
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) North Island Masters Championships - 22 Aug:
Wellington Masters Championships - 15 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 15 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 1 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 4 Jul: Petone Solstice
- 5 Jun:
South Island Masters - 8 May: Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 2 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 22 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 14 Mar: Wgtn Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 5 Mar:
Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships - 5 Mar:
Aon N.I.S.S. Championships - 27 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 27 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 18 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 13 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 13 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 6 Feb:
Whanganui Club and School Championships - 30 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 29 Jan: North Island Rowing Championships
- 23 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 16 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 3 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 12 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 11 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 5 Dec: Cobb-Vantress Mercer Club Regatta
- 5 Dec: Jury Cup
- 28 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Championships - 28 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 15 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2
- 14 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1
- 7 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 1 Nov: Norton Cup
- 31 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 31 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 31 Oct: Karapiro Te Awamutu Spring Regatta
- 17 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 17 Oct: Ruataniwha Masters Championships
- 17 Oct: Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
- 11 Oct:
Queens Cup - 3 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 3 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 26 Sep:
Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River - 19 Sep: Horowhenua Masters Regatta
- 19 Sep:
NZ Masters Championships - 13 Sep:
Redding Shield - 29 Aug:
Legion North Island Masters Championships - 16 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 16 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 28 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 30 May:
South Island Masters - 26 Apr:
Legion Masters Regatta - 10 Apr:
Aon University Rowing Championships - 30 Mar:
Aon Maadi - 13 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 13 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 29 Feb: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 29 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 18 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 15 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 15 Feb: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Club and School Championships
- 1 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 1 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 24 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 18 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 18 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 4 Jan: Deakin Trucks Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 14 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 13 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 7 Dec: Cobb-Vantress Mercer Club Regatta
- 7 Dec: Jury Cup
- 30 Nov: Clyde Regatta
- 30 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 23 Nov: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 16 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta
- 9 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 2 Nov: Rotorua 1000m
- 2 Nov: Norton Cup
- 2 Nov: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 26 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 19 Oct: Queens Cup
- 5 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 5 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 28 Sep: Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River
- 14 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 8 Sep: Redding Shield
- 1 Sep: Bishop Owen Oar
- 1 Sep: Mothes Shield
- 31 Aug: August Legion Masters Regatta
- 18 Aug:
Wellington Masters Championships - 27 Jul:
Mercer Masters Regatta - 21 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 30 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 16 Jun: Matariki Harbour Challenge
- 1 Jun: South Island Masters
- 27 Apr: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 12 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 25 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 8 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 8 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 2 Mar: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 23 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 19 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 16 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 9 Feb: Whanganui Club and School Championships
- 3 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 2 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 26 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 25 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 19 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 19 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 5 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 14 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 8 Dec: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 8 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 8 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 1 Dec: Clyde Regatta
- 1 Dec: Wanganui Toyota Jury Cup
- 1 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 17 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta
- 3 Nov:
Norton Cup - 3 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 27 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 27 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 27 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 20 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 14 Oct: Queens Cup
- 6 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 6 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 29 Sep: Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River
- 15 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 9 Sep: World Rowing World Championships
- 8 Sep: Redding Shield
- 1 Sep: BOPRA Masters
- 23 Aug: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 19 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 19 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 11 Aug: Mercer Masters Regatta
- 10 Aug: World University Rowing Championships
- 8 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 5 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 25 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 13 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 4 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 28 Jun: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 24 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 21 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 20 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 7 Apr: Legion Masters Regatta
- 19 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 3 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 2 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 24 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 24 Feb: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 13 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 10 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 10 Feb: Whanganui Championships
- 27 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 27 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 26 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 20 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 13 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 6 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 15 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 9 Dec:
Wellington Provincial Championships - 9 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 9 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 2 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 2 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 25 Nov: Jury Cup
- 18 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta
- 11 Nov:
Queens Cup - 4 Nov:
Karapiro Guy Fawkes 250m Sprint Regatta - 4 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 28 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 28 Oct: Norton Cup
- 28 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 21 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 14 Oct: Waikato Rowing Assn Head Race
- 7 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 7 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 7 Oct: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 23 Sep: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 16 Sep: Redding Shield
- 16 Sep: Rowing New Zealand Masters Championships
- 2 Sep:
Masters Tri-Series, Bay of Plenty - 13 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 12 Aug:
Masters Tri-Series, Auckland - 23 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 4 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 25 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 3 Jun: South Island Masters
- 15 Apr:
Porirua Sprint 500 - 15 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 9 Apr: Legion Masters Regatta
- 27 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 11 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 10 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 4 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 25 Feb: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 25 Feb: Mercury Junior Regatta
- 14 Feb: NZ Rowing Championships
- 11 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 4 Feb: Wanganui Championships
- 28 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 28 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 27 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 21 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 15 Jan: Auckland Club Championships
- 14 Jan: Porirua Goodwill
- 14 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 2 Jan: Tremains Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 16 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 11 Dec:
Wellington Provincial Championships - 10 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 10 Dec: Jury Cup
- 10 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 3 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 3 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 3 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 26 Nov:
Queens Cup - 19 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 19 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 5 Nov: Norton Cup
- 5 Nov: Waikato 100
- 22 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 15 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 15 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 1 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 1 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 17 Sep:
Tertiary Regatta - 17 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Championships and Tertiary Regatta
- 3 Sep: STAC Sesquicentennial Redding
- 3 Sep: Bay of Plenty Masters Tri-Series
- 14 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 13 Aug: Auckland Masters Tri-Series
- 30 Jul: Waikato Cambridge Masters Tri-Series
- 24 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 19 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 4 Jun: South Island Masters
- 23 Apr: Bankstream Legion Masters Regatta
- 23 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 4 Apr: Aon Maadi
- 19 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 18 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 12 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 5 Mar: Lake Hayes Regatta
- 5 Mar: Canterbury Secondary Schools Regatta
- 5 Mar: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 20 Feb: Wanganui School Champs
- 16 Feb: Bankstream NZ Rowing Championships
- 13 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 12 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 6 Feb:
Mangakino Junior Age Regatta - 30 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 29 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 23 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 23 Jan: Norton Cup
- 16 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 16 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 9 Jan:
Porirua Sprint 500 - 2 Jan: Tremains Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 19 Dec:
Queens Cup - 12 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 11 Dec: Mitre 10 Christmas Regatta
- 5 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 5 Dec: Jury Cup
- 5 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 5 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 28 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 22 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 21 Nov:
WRA # 3 - 14 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 31 Oct: WRA Regatta 2
- 24 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 17 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 17 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 10 Oct: ARA Regatta
- 10 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 4 Oct:
WRA Regatta 1 - 3 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 3 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 19 Sep: Tertiary Regatta
- 19 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Champs
- 5 Sep: Bay of Plenty Masters Tri-Series
- 5 Sep: Redding Shield
- 22 Aug: Auckland Masters Tri-Series
- 16 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 8 Aug: Cambridge Masters Tri-Series
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 21 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 18 Apr: Bankstream Legion Masters Regatta
- 3 Apr: Aon Universities Rowing Championships
- 23 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 7 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 6 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 28 Feb: Wanganui School Champs
- 21 Feb: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 17 Feb: Bankstream NZ Rowing Championships
- 14 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 14 Feb:
Wellington Schools - 13 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 6 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 31 Jan: Mangakino Junior Age Regatta
- 31 Jan: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 31 Jan: Wanganui Championships
- 31 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 23 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 17 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 17 Jan: Porirua Sprint 500
- 17 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 2 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 13 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 12 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 6 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 6 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 6 Dec: McLachlan Shield
- 6 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 29 Nov: Aon Jury Cup
- 29 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 23 Nov: Norton Cup
- 22 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 15 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 1 Nov: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 1 Nov:
Queens Cup - 25 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 12 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 11 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 11 Oct: ARA Regatta
- 5 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 4 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 20 Sep: Tertiary Regatta
- 20 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Championships
- 30 Aug: Redding Shield
- 28 Aug: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 17 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 27 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 22 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 26 Apr: Bankstream Legion Masters Regatta
- 19 Apr: Aon NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 24 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 15 Mar:
Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta - 15 Mar:
McLachlan Shield - 8 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 7 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 1 Mar: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 22 Feb: Wanganui School Champs
- 18 Feb: Bankstream NZ Rowing Championships
- 15 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 14 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 8 Feb: Wanganui Championships
- 7 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 1 Feb: Mangakino Junior Age Regatta
- 1 Feb:
Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta - 1 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 24 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 18 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 18 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 3 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 14 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 13 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 7 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 7 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 7 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 30 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 30 Nov:
Aon Jury Cup - 24 Nov: ARA Regatta
- 23 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 16 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 9 Nov: Queens Cup
- 2 Nov: Porirua Goodwill
- 26 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 19 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 19 Oct: Norton Cup
- 21 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Championships
- 31 Aug: Redding Shield
- 25 Aug: World Rowing World Championships
- 18 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 7 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 24 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 9 Jul: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 6 Jul: 27th Summer Universiade
- 30 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 27 Apr: BankLink Legion Masters Regatta
- 26 Apr: Aon NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 25 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 22 Mar: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 18 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 8 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 2 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 2 Mar:
Wellington Schools - 23 Feb: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 19 Feb: BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
- 16 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 16 Feb: Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta
- 8 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 2 Feb: Mangakino Junior Age Regatta
- 2 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 2 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 25 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 19 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 19 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 19 Jan: Australian Youth Olympic Festival
- 12 Jan: Wanganui Championships
- 5 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 15 Dec: McLachlan Shield
- 15 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 14 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 8 Dec: Aon Jury Cup
- 8 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 1 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 1 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 1 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 1 Dec: Queens Cup
- 24 Nov: Foresight R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 17 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 28 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 28 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 27 Oct: Waitemata-TAKA Regatta
- 6 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 6 Oct: R2K Singles Regatta
- 29 Sep:
Norton Cup - 16 Sep: Redding Shield
- 22 Jul: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 22 Jul: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 1 Jul: Petone Solstice
- 26 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 10 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 9 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 3 Mar:
Wanganui School Champs - 25 Feb: Mighty River Power River Power Junior Regatta
- 4 Feb: Wanganui Championships
- 27 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 13 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 16 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 10 Dec: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 3 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 3 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 3 Dec: Jury Cup
- 27 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 19 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 12 Nov: rowIT 1,000,000mm (for novices)
- 12 Nov:
Woolworths Rosebowl - 5 Nov:
Queens Cup - 29 Oct: Waitemata-TAKA Regatta
- 15 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 1 Oct: Norton Cup
- 3 Sep: Redding Shield
- 21 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 21 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 28 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 12 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 11 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 26 Feb:
McLachlan Shield 1 - 26 Feb:
McLachlan Shield - 5 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 11 Dec:
McLachlan Shield - 20 Nov: Queens Cup
- 14 Nov:
Norton Cup - 16 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 11 Sep: Redding Shield
- 22 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 22 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 22 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 12 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 6 Mar:
Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships - 6 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 29 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup (inc NI Champs) - KRI # 2
- 7 Nov: Queens Cup
- 11 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 27 Sep: Great Race
- 19 Sep: Norton Cup
- 5 Sep: Redding Shield
- 23 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 23 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 30 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 14 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 13 Mar: N.I.S.S. Championships
- 8 Mar: Wanganui Secondary School Championships
- 7 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 28 Feb: KRI # 3
- 21 Feb: Counties Mercer Junior Regatta
- 7 Feb: Lower North Island Championships Tournament
- 24 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup - KRI # 2
- 17 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 13 Dec: ARA 125th Anniversary - KRI # 1
- 6 Dec: Jury Regatta
- 22 Nov: Norton Cup
- 15 Nov: WRA/KRI Spring 2K Regatta
- 8 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club 2000m Regatta
- 8 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club 1000m Regatta
- 2 Nov: Queens Cup
- 25 Oct:
EvansAbove Dental Spring Secondary Schools - 18 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 7 Sep: Redding Shield
- 31 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 15 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 14 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 9 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 8 Mar: Clobber Wanganui Secondary School Championships
- 1 Mar: KRI # 3
- 9 Feb: Cosmopolitan Club Wanganui Championships
- 6 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 2 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 26 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup - KRI # 2
- 19 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 12 Jan: Whanganui River Top 10 Holiday Park Rose Bowl
- 15 Dec: KRI # 1
- 1 Dec: Whanganui River Top 10 Holiday Park Jury Regatta