Region profile: Southland
This profile gives you quick access to information about the Southland region. It lists the competitive entities based in (or belonging to) the region, as well as regatta activity there.
Region profile
rowIT code
SO venues
most recent SO regatta
today's featured SO organisation
There are 17 known organisations from the Southland region.
Upcoming regattas in the Southland region
next week's SO regattas
January 2025Oreti River
January 2025Oreti River
- Regatta starts 25 January 2025
SO regattas with online regatta entry
There are no Southland regattas currently open (or due to soon open) for entry through rowIT.
We may be able to open a regatta for entry for you if you contact us.
other upcoming SO regattas
January 2025Oreti River
January 2025Oreti River
- Regatta starts 25 January 2025
February 2025Oreti River
February 2025Oreti River
- Regatta starts 22 February 2025
Recent results from regattas in the Southland region
recent SO results
There were no results published for Southland regattas held within the past twelve months.
Pending results from regattas in the Southland region
pending SO results
All regattas in the Southland region
February 2025Oreti River
February 2025Oreti River
- Regatta starts 22 February 2025
January 2025Oreti River
January 2025Oreti River
- Regatta starts 25 January 2025
- 23 Nov: Southland Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 9 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 2 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 12 Oct: Bluff Doubles/Quads Regatta
- 15 Sep: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 5
- 18 Aug: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 4
- 21 Jul: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 3
- 16 Jun: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 2
- 21 Nov: Southland Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 14 Nov:
Waihopai Corpor8 Eights - 1 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance
- 31 Oct: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 17 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 3 Nov: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 7
- 20 Oct: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 6
- 15 Sep: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 5
- 18 Aug: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 4
- 21 Jul: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 3
- 16 Jun: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 2
- 1 Jun: South Island Masters
- 19 May: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 1
- 2 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 26 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 24 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 10 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 4 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance
- 3 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 13 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 24 Feb: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 20 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 25 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 11 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 5 Nov: Stream-start Long Distance
- 4 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 15 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 5 Mar: Lake Hayes Regatta
- 30 May: South Island Masters
- 12 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 14 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 7 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 26 Dec:
Riverton Boxing Day Regatta - 29 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 15 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 2 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance 6
- 1 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 19 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 13 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 15 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 25 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 30 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 16 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 3 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance 6
- 2 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 12 Oct:
Short Course Bluff Regatta - 16 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 19 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 9 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 9 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 17 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 19 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 5 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 17 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 20 Mar: Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 22 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 5 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 27 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 13 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 1 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 7
- 17 Oct: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 6
- 19 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 5
- 15 Aug: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 18 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 20 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 24 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 11 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 23 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 6 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 21 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 7 Nov:
Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta - 7 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Indoors
- 20 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 5
- 16 Aug: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 26 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 21 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 17 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 19 Apr: Lake Hayes Regatta
- 8 Mar: Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 7 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 7 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 15 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 8 Nov:
Bluff Regatta - 8 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 2 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 6
- 21 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 5
- 17 Aug: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 20 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 15 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 25 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 13 Apr: Lake Hayes Regatta
- 9 Mar: Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 6 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 2 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 17 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 10 Nov:
Bluff Regatta - 4 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 3 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 26 Oct: Mcknight and Brown Indoor Rowing Challenge
- 16 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 15 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 17 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1