Results: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race

These static regatta results provide basic access to the outcome of the regatta.

They are not usually linked to from the profiles of the competitors or clubs/schools involved.

Club Boat type Crew name Start time Finish time Race time
INVCW OT Eade1:08:301:33:500:25:20
WHOCM MstP Sinclair1:08:501:34:550:26:05
WHOCM U17T Jenkins1:09:101:35:400:26:30
WHOCM OM Malcolm, S Black1:13:051:34:410:21:36
INVCM OR Hamilton, J Bekhuis1:13:301:35:400:22:10
INVCM U18B McCulloch, K Eade1:12:001:35:300:23:30
INVCM U16H Van Scheik, J Hercus1:11:301:35:300:24:00
INVCM U15N Hill, J Mahr1:09:301:33:300:24:00
WHOCM U18 2-S Barnsdale, O Todd1:12:301:37:170:24:47
WHOCW U16A McLennan, K McCulloch1:10:471:37:250:26:38
INVCM U15J Forde, G Redpath1:10:261:37:200:26:54
INVCM MstA Murray, I Hamilton, D Jamieson, F Price1:16:251:39:300:23:05
WHOCMx MstJ M O'Connor, S Tinnock, G Dyet, J P O'Connor1:15:241:39:100:23:46
INVCM MstB McKenzie, G McKenzie, G Gorton, P Aicken1:14:151:39:000:24:45
INVCMx MstD Galbraith, W Fisher, C North, T Leefe1:14:401:40:300:25:50
WHOCW U16 8+K Froude, A Coote, B Allan, K Froude, L Buckeridge , L Comer, O Hall, T Young1:16:001:38:320:22:32
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