Notices: Mercer Club Regatta

This is the collection of regatta notices for the 2023 Mercer Club Regatta.

Due to operator error, the M Nov 4x and W Nov 4+ have been omitted from the programme. We will accept irregular entries to accommodate this. If you want to enter a Novice four in a Novice quad event or vice versa, email Tricia on and it will be allowed as an irregular entry. We will also allow novice entries in the M U15 4x and W U15 4+.

2023-11-29 15:36:03
Safety Briefing Data Change!

The Safety briefing will now take place via Zoom on Wednesday 6th December at 7.30pm

2023-11-28 10:03:57
"Check Clean Dry" instructions

There is currently a Gold Clam infestation in the Waikato. The rowing community needs to do its part to prevent this invasive species spreading elsewhere.
Check Clean Dry – DRYING is important.
Check Clean Dry instructions for rowing skiffs
Check Clean Dry instructions for coach boats
Please make sure you clean all your equipment appropriately for your next water destination. Bring buckets, detergent and towels please!
All clubs will be required to sign a declaration that they understand and have complied with the requirements before leaving the site.

2023-11-28 10:03:20
User log in

log in


You only require a rowIT login for running regattas or if you have been given the job of making entries for an organisation.


Clubs. If you only have a password for the RowingNZ website then you will need a rowIT login so please contact us.

Schools. If you have a password provided by NZSSRA then you should log in through the school rowing website.