Results: OSSRA Regatta Term

These static regatta results provide basic access to the outcome of the regatta.

They are not usually linked to from the profiles of the competitors or clubs/schools involved.

Event 1: Junior Boys' Eight
11OBHS1T Veltman, J Waddell, R Johnston, N Tipa, M Parke, G Hopewell,W Grant, J Bloomfield, S Key (cox)
22OBHS2C Armishaw, G Latta, M Alexander, R Chapman, J Hume, S Watson, W Perry, J Perkins, M Sharpin (cox)
Event 2: Novice Girls' Singles (600metres)
12KAVA1H Duggan
24KAVA2Z McBride
36QHSD1S Pye
Event 3: Senior Boys' Quad
14OBHS1L Landells, B Hume, C Gilmour, K McLellan, A Woodhead (cox)
21KHSD1F Homan, A Knox, TBA, M Plaisted
33JMCG1J Saville, J McKenzie, C Forward, J Dodunski, M Shaw (cox)
Event 4: Junior Girls' Eight
11OGHS1C Gilmour, E Duncan, L McGrannachan, L Thomson, J Medlicott, A Stuart, S Hill, L Everettt, M Aitken (cox)
23COLU1C Taylor, C Matheson-Watts, T Bennett, E Shettler, G Crawford, L Williams, A Ferguson, O Dodds, G Swain(cox)
32STHI1C. Dyet, A. Palmer, G. Buchan, B. Alexandra, J. Taylor, A. Strack, J. Lavell-Pool, B. Hendry, G Stumbles (cox)
Event 5: Senior Girls' Quad
11OGHS1K Lammers, M Verwey, P Ryder, S Dunn, M Aitken (cox)
24STHI1A. McAslan, G. Scown, A. Irving, C. Grave, J.Scott (cox)
32COLU1L Wallace-Gibbs, E Kirkwood, T Carroll, S Roulston, G Watts(cox)
Event 6: Novice Boys' Singles I (600metres)
11KAVA1J O'Leary
22KAVA2J Bishop-Boyle
18OBHS6D Burgess
25OBHS3W Perry
34OBHS2J Waddell
Event 7: Intermediate Boys' Quad
11JMCG1J Saville, J McKenzie, J Dodunski, M Shaw, H Duggan (cox)
22OBHS1J Mulligan, J Pairema, M Mears, G Burnett
Event 8: Senior Girls' Singles I
14STHI1Z. Hollander
23LOGA1H Dawson
35COLU1A Jenkins-McCaw
Event 10: Senior Girls' Singles II
15STHI2G. Scown
23QHSD3S Scott
32STHI3A. McAslan
Event 11: Intermediate Girls' Quad
13COLU1G Caley, K Manera, G Manera, C Foster, G Cotton (Cox)
21OGHS2C Gilmour, L McGrannachan, J Smeehuyzen, M Aitken, L Everett (cox)
Event 12: Senior Boys' Fours
11OBHS1L Landells, B Hume, C Gilmour, K McLellan, A Woodhead (cox)
22KHSD1F Homer, A Knox, TBA, M Plaisted
Event 13A: Intermediate Girls'/Boys' Eights
11COLU1L Wallace-Gibbs, G Caley, E Kirkwood, G Manera, K Manera, T Carroll, S Roulston, C Foster, G Watts(cox)
Event 13B: Intermediate Girls'/Boys' Eights
12OBHS1J Mulligan, J Pairema, M Mears, G Burnett, T Veltman, N Tipa, G Hopewell, J Waddell (cox)
Event 15: Senior Girls' Doubles/Pairs
17STHI2A. McAslan, G. Scown
25STHI1A. Irving, Z. Hollander
31OGHS1P Ryder, S Dunn
Event 16: Intermediate Boys' Fours
12OBHS1J Mulligan, J Pairema, M Mears, G Burnett
21JMCG1J Saville, J McKenzie, J Dodunski, M Shaw, Z McBride (cox)
Event 17: Intermediate Girls Singles
12STHI1C. Grave
21COLU1C Foster
Event 18: Junior Boys' Fours
11OBHS1T Veltman, G Waddell, G Hopewell, N Tipa
22OBHS2J Welham, R Johnston, M Parke, J Bloomfield
33OBHS3C Armishaw,W Grant, C Burgess, R Chambers
Event 19: Senior Boys' Doubles/Pairs
11OBHS2R Mears, G Morris
23LOGA1F Campbell, S Campbell
12KHSD1F Homan, A Knox
24OBHS1L .Landells, B Hume (2+)
Event 20: Junior Girls' Fours/Quad
11OGHS1S Hill, J Medlicot, L Thomson, E Duncan, A Stuart (cox)
26OGHS2C Gilmour, L McGrannachan, J Smeehuyzen, M Aitken, L Everett (cox)
34QHSD1S White, S Pye, T Sullivan, G Baldock, H Davidson (cox)
12STHI2F. Guthrie, C. Dyet, G. Stumbles, J. Lavell-Pool, A. Palmer (cox)
25STHI1B. Hendry, B. Alexandra, T. McNamara, G. Buchan, J. Taylor (cox)
33COLU1E Haig, A Angland, C. Williams, O Dippie, G Swain(cox)
Event 21: Intermediate Boys' Doubles
13JMCG1J Saville, J McKenzie
22OBHS1J Pairema, M Mears
31JMCG2J Dodunski, M Shaw
Event 22: Senior Boys' Singles
14OBHS1R Mears
22KHSD2A Knox
31KHSD1F Homan
Event 24: Junior Boys' Quad
11OBHS2M Alexander, G Latta, J Hume, R Chapman
22OBHS1J Welham, R Johnston, M Parke, J Bloomfield
33OBHS3C Armishaw, W Grant, W Perry, D Burgess
Event 25: Senior Girls' Fours
12STHI1Z. Hollander, G. Scown, A. McAslan, A. Irving, J. Scott (cox)
21OGHS1K Nicholson, J Smeehuyzen, K Lammers, M Verwey, M Aitken (cox)
Event 26: Intermediate Boys' Singles
15OBHS1M Mears
21JMCG1L Angland
38JMCG2J Saville
Event 27: Intermediate Girls' / Junior Boys' Doubles
11STHI1C. Grave, B. Alexandra
12OBHS1T Veltman J Waddell
25OBHS4J Welham J Bloomfield
33OBHS2J Pairema, G Burnett
Event 28: Senior Girls' / Boy's Eight
12OBHS1L Landells, B Hume, C Gilmour, K Mclellan, J Mulligan, J Pairema, M Mears, G Morris, A Woodhead (cox)
21COLU1L Wallace-Gibbs, G Caley, E Kirkwood, G Manera, K Manera, T Carroll, S Roulston, C Foster, G Watts(cox)
33STHI1A. McAslan, G. Scown, A. Irving, C. Grave, Others
Event 29: Junior Girls Doubles
12OGHS1E Duncan, L McGrannachan
27OGHS3L Everett, M Aitken
31OGHS2C Gilmour, L Thomson
  • Junior: under 15 and under 16 Novices
  • Intermediate: under 16 and under 17 Novices
  • Seniors: under 18
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