Notices: Goodwill

This is the collection of regatta notices for the 2023 Goodwill.


The regatta is rescheduled to the back-up date of Saturday 28 October.

Due to that being a fortnight away, existing entries have been deleted and the entry sysytem has re-opened for entries for the new date.

2023-10-12 14:24:11

There is enough certainty about the weather forecast for Saturday to postpone the regatta. It won't be held Saturday 14 October.

2023-10-12 14:05:12
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You only require a rowIT login for running regattas or if you have been given the job of making entries for an organisation.


Clubs. If you only have a password for the RowingNZ website then you will need a rowIT login so please contact us.

Schools. If you have a password provided by NZSSRA then you should log in through the school rowing website.