Notices: Redding Shield

This is the collection of regatta notices for the 2021 Redding Shield.


The Weather Committee has cancelled this regatta due to a consistent forecast of 20knot winds with 30-40knot gusts for most of the day.

In addition, further changes to COVID-19 Alert Level 2 restrictions mean WRA needs to re-evaluate whether it can conduct regattas while Wellington is at Alert Level 2.

2021-10-15 13:20:20

The government has changed Level 2 restrictions for sports and recreation. WRA now plans on holding some regattas when Wgtn is at Level 2; including this one. But the Lambton harbour venue has been ruled out. So Redding Shield is now set down for Korokoro.

2021-10-08 10:24:05

The Redding Shield has been rescheduled from 12 September to 17 October. This is the same day as the Queens Cup regatta. Both regattas are 1/2 day regattas and will be run back-to-back.

2021-09-17 11:25:22

Because Wellington is in Alert Level 4 and only shifting to Alert Level 3 tomorrow there is no expectation the region will be down to Alert Level 1 in time to hold the regatta as scheduled. So it has been postponed. WRA are considering options; including rescheduling or cancelling the regatta.

2021-08-31 11:14:23
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Clubs. If you only have a password for the RowingNZ website then you will need a rowIT login so please contact us.

Schools. If you have a password provided by NZSSRA then you should log in through the school rowing website.