Region profile: Wellington
This profile gives you quick access to information about the Wellington region. It lists the competitive entities based in (or belonging to) the region, as well as regatta activity there.
also see
Wellington (NZRA & NZSSRA)
Star Boating Club
Wellington's Top Dog!
(won @ quec2024)
Region profile
rowIT code
WE venues
most recent WE regatta
today's featured WE organisation
There are 55 known organisations from the Wellington region.
Upcoming regattas in the Wellington region
next month's WE regattas
February ends 2025-02-01 2025Korokoro
- Entries close 21 January 2025 (10:00PM)
WE regattas with online regatta entry
February ends 2025-02-01 2025Korokoro
- Entries close 21 January 2025 (10:00PM)
March ends 2025-03-01 2025Korokoro
- Entries open 1 February 2025
June ends 2025-06-21 2025Korokoro
- Entries open 22 May 2025
other upcoming WE regattas
March ends 2025-03-15 2025Korokoro TO BE CONFIRMED
- Regatta starts 15 March 2025
Recent results from regattas in the Wellington region
recently published WE results
Pending results from regattas in the Wellington region
pending WE results
There are no regatta results still oustanding for this region.
If the regatta you are looking for is not a recent regatta or among the list of all regattas and you can provide results or a contact for results then please contact us so we can add the regatta to the site.
All regattas in the Wellington region
June ends 2025-06-21 2025Korokoro
- Entries open 22 May 2025
March ends 2025-03-15 2025Korokoro TO BE CONFIRMED
- Regatta starts 15 March 2025
March ends 2025-03-01 2025Korokoro
- Entries open 1 February 2025
February ends 2025-02-01 2025Korokoro
- Entries close 21 January 2025 (10:00PM)
- 23 Nov:
Norton Cup - 16 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 19 Oct: Queens Cup
- 25 Aug:
Redding Shield - 4 Aug:
Manawatu Grunt - 4 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 4 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 23 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 9 Mar:
McLachlan Shield Back-up date - 4 Feb:
McLachlan Shield
- 25 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 11 Nov: Norton Cup
- 28 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 14 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 8 Oct:
Queens Cup - 10 Sep: Redding Shield
- 13 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 13 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 16 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 18 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 18 Mar:
McLachlan Shield Back-up date - 11 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 10 Dec: Wellington Provincial Champs
- 26 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 12 Nov: Norton Cup
- 16 Oct: Queens Cup
- 4 Sep:
Redding Shield - 7 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 7 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 24 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 26 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 7 May: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 5 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 18 Dec:
Norton Cup - 27 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 6 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 17 Oct:
Redding Shield - 17 Oct:
Queens Cup - 22 Aug:
Wellington Masters Champs - 15 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 15 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 1 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 4 Jul: Petone Solstice
- 14 Mar: Wgtn Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 13 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 28 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 1 Nov: Norton Cup
- 17 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 11 Oct:
Queens Cup - 13 Sep:
Redding Shield - 16 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 16 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 28 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 1 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 23 Nov: Wellington Provincial Champs
- 9 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 2 Nov: Norton Cup
- 19 Oct: Queens Cup
- 8 Sep: Redding Shield
- 1 Sep: Bishop Owen Oar
- 1 Sep: Mothes Shield
- 18 Aug:
Wellington Masters Champs - 4 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 21 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 30 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 16 Jun: Matariki Harbour Challenge
- 3 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 8 Dec: Wellington Provincial Champs
- 3 Nov:
Norton Cup - 27 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 14 Oct: Queens Cup
- 8 Sep: Redding Shield
- 19 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 19 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 5 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 24 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 24 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 9 Dec:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 11 Nov:
Queens Cup - 28 Oct: Norton Cup
- 23 Sep: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 16 Sep: Redding Shield
- 13 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 23 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 25 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 15 Apr:
Porirua Sprint 500 - 18 Mar:
McLachlan Shield (Back-up date) - 4 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 14 Jan: Porirua Goodwill
- 11 Dec:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 26 Nov:
Queens Cup - 5 Nov: Norton Cup
- 10 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 3 Sep: STAC Sesquicentennial Redding
- 14 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 13 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 24 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 19 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 12 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 23 Jan: Norton Cup
- 9 Jan:
Porirua Sprint 500
- 19 Dec:
Queens Cup - 21 Nov:
WRA # 3 - 31 Oct: WRA Regatta 2
- 17 Oct: WELC Rowathon
- 10 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 4 Oct:
WRA Regatta 1 - 12 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 5 Sep: Redding Shield
- 16 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 15 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 21 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 14 Feb:
Wellington Schools - 31 Jan: Wellington Provincial Champs
- 17 Jan: Porirua Sprint 500
- 6 Dec: McLachlan Shield
- 23 Nov: Norton Cup
- 1 Nov:
Queens Cup - 11 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 13 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 30 Aug: Redding Shield
- 17 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 27 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 22 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 15 Mar:
McLachlan Shield - 23 Feb: 125th Anniversary College Race
- 1 Feb:
Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 7 Dec:
Bishop Owen Oar - 9 Nov: Queens Cup
- 2 Nov: Porirua Goodwill
- 19 Oct: Norton Cup
- 14 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 31 Aug: Redding Shield
- 18 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 4 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 30 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 2 Mar:
Wellington Schools - 2 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 15 Dec: McLachlan Shield
- 1 Dec: Queens Cup
- 28 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 13 Oct:
Central Challenge - 29 Sep:
Norton Cup - 16 Sep: Redding Shield
- 4 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 22 Jul: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 22 Jul: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 22 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 1 Jul: Petone Solstice
- 10 Dec: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 19 Nov:
Porirua Pennant - 12 Nov: rowIT 1,000,000mm (for novices)
- 5 Nov:
Queens Cup - 15 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 1 Oct: Norton Cup
- 3 Sep: Redding Shield
- 21 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 21 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 6 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 24 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 19 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 5 Mar: Wanganui School Champs
- 26 Feb:
McLachlan Shield 1 - 26 Feb:
McLachlan Shield - 5 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 11 Dec:
McLachlan Shield - 20 Nov: Queens Cup
- 14 Nov:
Norton Cup - 16 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 11 Sep: Redding Shield
- 22 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 22 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 14 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 25 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 20 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 6 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 7 Nov: Queens Cup
- 11 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 19 Sep: Norton Cup
- 5 Sep: Redding Shield
- 23 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 23 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 8 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 28 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 31 Jan:
Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 22 Nov: Norton Cup
- 2 Nov: Queens Cup
- 18 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 7 Sep: Redding Shield
- 31 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 31 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 24 Aug:
Manawatu Grunt - 17 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 22 Jun:
Petone Solstice - 6 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 18 Dec:
Bishop Owen Oar - 17 Nov: Norton Cup
- 3 Nov: Queens Cup
- 13 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 15 Sep:
Mothes Shield - 1 Sep: Corporate/Schools
- 19 Aug: Redding Shield
- 29 Jul: Manawatu Grunt