All results
Here are all the regattas that we currently have (or are hoping to have) results for. Down the page you will also find regattas we're aware of but don't expect to publish results for.
all published results
August 2024St. Catharines, Canada
August 2024St. Catharines, Canada
St. Catharines, Canada
Sponsored by: World Rowing

July 2024Paris, France
July 2024Paris, France
Paris, France
May 2024Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra, Australia
May 2024Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra, Australia
Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra, Australia
April 2024Glendhu Bay, Lake Wanaka
April 2024Glendhu Bay, Lake Wanaka
Glendhu Bay, Lake Wanaka
Sponsored by: Glendhu Bay Hampshire Holiday Parks

February 2024Lake Karāpiro
February 2024Lake Karāpiro
classification regatta
- 15 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 9 Dec: Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
- 9 Dec: Jury Cup
- 9 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 2 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 25 Nov: Auckland Coastal Rowing Beach Sprints 2
- 19 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2
- 18 Nov: Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
- 18 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1
- 11 Nov: Norton Cup
- 5 Nov: Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
- 4 Nov: Ultimate Pools Bennett Shield Regatta
- 28 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 28 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 28 Oct: Clive Steenson Memorial Regatta
- 8 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 24 Sep: R2K Singles Regatta
- 23 Sep: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 16 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 10 Sep: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
- 10 Sep: Redding Shield
- 3 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 3 Sep: World Rowing World Championships
- 2 Sep: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 13 Aug: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
- 6 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 2 Aug: World Rowing U19 Championships
- 27 Jul: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 19 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 9 Jul: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
- 9 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 7 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 18 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 16 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 11 Jun: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
- 4 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 3 Jun: Oxley's South Island Masters
- 14 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 13 May: Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 7 May: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
- 22 Apr: Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
- 19 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 8 Apr: University Rowing Championships
- 27 Mar: Aon Maadi Regatta
- 10 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 10 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 4 Mar: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 25 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 14 Feb: NZ Rowing Championships
- 11 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 28 Jan: North Island Rowing Championships
- 28 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 21 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 14 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 2 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 16 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 10 Dec: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 10 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 3 Dec: Jury Cup
- 3 Dec: Manukau Lone Star Mercer Club Regatta
- 26 Nov: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 26 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 13 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2
- 12 Nov: Norton Cup
- 12 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1
- 6 Nov: Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
- 5 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 29 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 29 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 29 Oct: Clive Steenson Memorial Regatta
- 22 Oct: Goodwill Trophy
- 16 Oct: Picton Rowing Club Long Distance Paddle
- 16 Oct: Queens Cup
- 9 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 8 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 8 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 1 Oct: North Island Provincial Regatta
- 1 Oct: John Howard Memorial Series 2
- 23 Sep: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 18 Sep: World Rowing World Championships
- 17 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 11 Sep: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
- 4 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 3 Sep: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 14 Aug: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
- 13 Aug: Battle of the Bombay
- 7 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 27 Jul: World Rowing U19 Championships
- 25 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 14 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 8 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 3 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 26 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 16 Jun: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 16 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 5 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 4 Jun: South Island Masters
- 15 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 14 May: Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 8 May: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
- 7 May: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 28 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 28 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 19 Mar: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 13 Mar: Aon NISSC Girls Events
- 11 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 11 Mar: Aon NISSC Boys Events
- 5 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 27 Feb: Aon Junior Boys Events Regatta
- 26 Feb: Aon Junior Girls Events Regatta
- 26 Feb: Meridian S.I. Junior Regatta
- 14 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 29 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 22 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 15 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 3 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 11 Dec: BOP Regional Regatta
- 11 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 20 Nov: Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Head of the river)
- 20 Nov: Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
- 13 Nov: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 30 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 30 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 29 Oct: NZ Masters Championships
- 10 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 9 Oct: North Island Provincial Regatta
- 9 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 12 Sep: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
- 15 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 15 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 8 Aug: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
- 1 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 1 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 23 Jul: Olympic Games
- 11 Jul: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
- 4 Jul: Petone Solstice
- 4 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 13 Jun: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
- 6 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 16 May: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
- 16 May: World Rowing Final Olympic Qualification
- 9 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 8 May: Legion Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 29 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 10 Apr: Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
- 2 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 26 Mar: N.I.S.S. champions
- 26 Mar: S.I.S.S. champions 1
- 22 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 14 Mar: Wgtn Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 27 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 18 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 13 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 13 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 30 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 29 Jan: North Island Rowing Championships
- 24 Jan: Billy Webb Challenge
- 23 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 16 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 3 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 12 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 11 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 5 Dec: Cobb-Vantress Mercer Club Regatta
- 5 Dec: Jury Cup
- 5 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 28 Nov: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 28 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 22 Nov: Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
- 22 Nov: Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Head of the river)
- 15 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2
- 14 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1
- 7 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 7 Nov: Pennant
- 1 Nov: Norton Cup
- 31 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 31 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 31 Oct: Karapiro Te Awamutu Spring Regatta
- 17 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 17 Oct: Ruataniwha Masters Championships
- 17 Oct: Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta
- 11 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 10 Oct: New Brighton Long Distance Race 1
- 10 Oct: North Island Provincial Regatta
- 10 Oct: Picton Rowing Club Long Distance Paddle
- 4 Oct: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 6
- 4 Oct: ARC 6K Winter Series race 7
- 3 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 3 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 26 Sep: John Howard Memorial Series 2
- 19 Sep: Horowhenua Masters Regatta
- 13 Sep: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
- 16 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 16 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 9 Aug: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
- 2 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 19 Jul: ARC 6K Winter Series race 2
- 12 Jul: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
- 5 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 5 Jul: ARC 6K Winter Series race 1
- 28 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 14 Jun: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
- 10 May: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
- 13 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 13 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 29 Feb: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 29 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 18 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 15 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 15 Feb: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Club and School Championships
- 1 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 1 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 24 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 19 Jan: Billy Webb Challenge
- 18 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 18 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 4 Jan: Deakin Trucks Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 14 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 13 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 7 Dec: Kerrs Reach Long Distance race 2
- 7 Dec: Cobb-Vantress Mercer Club Regatta
- 7 Dec: Jury Cup
- 30 Nov: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 30 Nov: Clyde Regatta
- 30 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 24 Nov: Whanganui River Challenge (Whanganui 10km)
- 24 Nov: Whanganui River Challenge (Head of the river)
- 23 Nov: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 23 Nov: NZ Indoor Rowing Championships
- 16 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta
- 3 Nov: PCUC Regatta
- 2 Nov: Rotorua 1000m
- 2 Nov: Norton Cup
- 2 Nov: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 2 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 2 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 2 Nov: Waikato 100
- 26 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 20 Oct: Kerrs Reach Long Distance Race 1
- 19 Oct: Queens Cup
- 13 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 5 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 5 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 28 Sep: Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River
- 14 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 8 Sep: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
- 8 Sep: Redding Shield
- 1 Sep: Bishop Owen Oar
- 1 Sep: Mothes Shield
- 1 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 31 Aug: August Legion Masters Regatta
- 22 Aug: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 18 Aug: ARC 6K Winter Series race 7
- 11 Aug: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
- 4 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 14 Jul: ARC 6K Winter Series race 5
- 12 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 7 Jul: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
- 7 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 2 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 30 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 30 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 4
- 27 Jun: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 21 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 16 Jun: Matariki Harbour Challenge
- 16 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 3
- 9 Jun: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
- 2 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 2 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 2
- 1 Jun: South Island Masters
- 19 May: ARC 6K Winter Series race 1
- 12 May: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
- 12 May: SeaThru Bridge 2 Bridge 10km Rowing Race
- 12 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 27 Apr: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) Masters Regatta
- 19 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 12 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 25 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 8 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 8 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 2 Mar: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 23 Feb: Aon Junior Regatta
- 19 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 16 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 10 Feb: Head of the River Eights
- 9 Feb: Whanganui Club and School Championships
- 3 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 2 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 26 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 25 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 19 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 19 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 5 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 14 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 8 Dec: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 8 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 8 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 2 Dec: Billy Webb Challenge
- 1 Dec: Clyde Regatta
- 1 Dec: Wanganui Toyota Jury Cup
- 1 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 1 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 1 Dec: Mainland Foundation Ultra 8s
- 24 Nov: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 24 Nov: NZ Indoor Rowing Championships
- 24 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 18 Nov: Whanganui River Challenge (Head of the river)
- 18 Nov: Whanganui River Challenge (Whanganui 10km)
- 17 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta
- 3 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 3 Nov: Waikato 100
- 3 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 3 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 27 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 27 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 27 Oct: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 27 Oct: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 20 Oct: CURC 150th Anniversary
- 20 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 14 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 14 Oct: Queens Cup
- 14 Oct: South Brighton Heads Race 2
- 6 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 6 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 30 Sep: New Brighton Heads Race 1
- 29 Sep: Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River
- 15 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 9 Sep: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 5
- 9 Sep: ARC 6K Winter Series race 8
- 9 Sep: World Rowing World Championships
- 8 Sep: Redding Shield
- 2 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 1 Sep: BOPRA Masters
- 26 Aug: ARC 6K Winter Series race 7
- 23 Aug: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 19 Aug: Bishop Owen Oar
- 19 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 12 Aug: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 4
- 12 Aug: ARC 6K Winter Series race 6
- 11 Aug: Mercer Masters Regatta
- 10 Aug: World University Rowing Championships
- 8 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 5 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 5 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 29 Jul: ARC 6K Winter Series race 5
- 25 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 13 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 8 Jul: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3
- 1 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 1 Jul: ARC 6K Winter Series race 4
- 28 Jun: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 24 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 21 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 17 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 3
- 10 Jun: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2
- 3 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 2 Jun: South Island Masters
- 27 May: ARC 6K Winter Series race 2
- 13 May: Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 1
- 13 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 13 May: ARC 6K Winter Series race 1
- 6 May: SeaThru Bridge 2 Bridge 10km Rowing Race
- 20 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 19 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 7 Apr: Legion Masters Regatta
- 19 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 3 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 2 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 24 Feb: McLachlan Shield
- 24 Feb: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 13 Feb: Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships
- 10 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 10 Feb: Whanganui Championships
- 27 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 27 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 26 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 20 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 13 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 6 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 15 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 9 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 9 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 2 Dec: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 2 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 2 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 2 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 26 Nov: Billy Webb Challenge
- 25 Nov: Jury Cup
- 25 Nov: Waikato 100
- 18 Nov: Karapiro Memorial Regatta
- 12 Nov: Whanganui River Challenge (Head of the river)
- 12 Nov: Whanganui River Challenge (Whanganui 10km)
- 4 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 28 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 28 Oct: Norton Cup
- 28 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 28 Oct: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 21 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 15 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 14 Oct: Waikato Rowing Assn Head Race
- 8 Oct: LVA Regatta
- 7 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 7 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 7 Oct: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 24 Sep: ARC 6K Winter Series race 8
- 24 Sep: World Rowing World Championships
- 23 Sep: Porirua RC Goodwill
- 17 Sep: Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 16 Sep: Redding Shield
- 16 Sep: Rowing New Zealand Masters Championships
- 10 Sep: ARC 6K Winter Series race 7
- 3 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 24 Aug: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 20 Aug: Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 20 Aug: ARC 6K Winter Series race 6
- 6 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 6 Aug: ARC 6K Winter Series race 5
- 2 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 23 Jul: ARC 6K Winter Series race 4
- 19 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 9 Jul: Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 7 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 4 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 2 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 29 Jun: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 25 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 25 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 2
- 16 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 11 Jun: Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 11 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 1
- 4 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 3 Jun: South Island Masters
- 21 May: SEATHRU Bridge 2 Bridge Rowing Race
- 14 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 24 Apr: World Masters Games
- 19 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 15 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 14 Apr: NZ Universities Long Eights
- 9 Apr: Legion Masters Regatta
- 27 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 11 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 10 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 4 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 4 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 25 Feb: Canterbury Junior Regatta
- 25 Feb: Mercury Junior Regatta
- 14 Feb: NZ Rowing Championships
- 11 Feb: College Sport Auckland Head of the Harbour
- 11 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 4 Feb: Wanganui Championships
- 28 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 28 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 27 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 21 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 15 Jan: Auckland Club Championships
- 14 Jan: Porirua Goodwill
- 14 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 2 Jan: Tremains Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 16 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 11 Dec: Billy Webb Challenge
- 10 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 10 Dec: Jury Cup
- 10 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 3 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 3 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 3 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 3 Dec: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 19 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 19 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 13 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 12 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 6 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant
- 5 Nov: Norton Cup
- 5 Nov: Waikato 100
- 30 Oct: Whanganui River Challenge (Small Boats Head)
- 30 Oct: Whanganui River Challenge (Whanganui 10km)
- 30 Oct: PCUC Regatta
- 29 Oct: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 29 Oct: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 23 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 22 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 16 Oct: LVA Regatta
- 16 Oct: St Georges RC 5km Regatta
- 15 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 15 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 9 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 2 Oct: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 6
- 1 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 1 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 25 Sep: Henley Bridge to Bridge
- 24 Sep: John Howard Memorial Winter Series 2
- 17 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Championships and Tertiary Regatta
- 11 Sep: Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 10 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 8 Sep: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 4 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 4 Sep: ARC 6K Winter Series race 9
- 3 Sep: STAC Sesquicentennial Redding
- 3 Sep: Bay of Plenty Masters Tri-Series
- 2 Sep: World University Rowing Championships
- 27 Aug: John Howard Memorial Winter Series 1
- 21 Aug: ARC 6K Winter Series race 8
- 21 Aug: World Rowing Junior / U23 / Senior World Championships
- 20 Aug: Battle of the Bombay
- 14 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 14 Aug: Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 13 Aug: Auckland Masters Tri-Series
- 13 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 7 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 7 Aug: ARC 6K Winter Series race 7
- 6 Aug: Olympic Games
- 30 Jul: Waikato Cambridge Masters Tri-Series
- 10 Jul: Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 6 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 3 Jul: ARC 6K Winter Series race 5
- 30 Jun: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 19 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 19 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 4
- 17 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 12 Jun: Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 5 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 5 Jun: ARC 6K Winter Series race 3
- 4 Jun: South Island Masters
- 27 May: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 22 May: ARC 6K Winter Series race 2
- 22 May: World Rowing Final Olympic Qualification
- 8 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 8 May: Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 8 May: ARC 6K Winter Series race 1
- 1 May: March Construction Bridge to Bridge
- 23 Apr: Bankstream Legion Masters Regatta
- 23 Apr: Aon University Rowing Championships
- 21 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 16 Apr: Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
- 4 Apr: Aon Maadi
- 19 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 18 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 12 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 12 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 5 Mar: Lake Hayes Regatta
- 5 Mar: Canterbury Secondary Schools Regatta
- 5 Mar: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 20 Feb: Wanganui School Champs
- 16 Feb: Bankstream NZ Rowing Championships
- 13 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 13 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 12 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 6 Feb: NZ Masters Games Rowing Regatta
- 30 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 29 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 23 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 23 Jan: Norton Cup
- 16 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 16 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 2 Jan: Tremains Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 12 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 11 Dec: Mitre 10 Christmas Regatta
- 6 Dec: NZME. Billy Webb Challenge
- 5 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 5 Dec: Jury Cup
- 5 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 5 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 28 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 28 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 28 Nov: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 22 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 21 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 15 Nov: 10000m Boat Race
- 15 Nov: Head of the River
- 14 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 1 Nov: PCUC Regatta
- 31 Oct: WRA Regatta 2
- 31 Oct: Clark Boyce Pennant
- 31 Oct: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 25 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 24 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 17 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 17 Oct: Cure BC Long Distance Race
- 17 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 17 Oct: WELC Rowathon
- 11 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 11 Oct: St Georges RC At Home Regatta
- 10 Oct: Huntly Sprint Regatta
- 10 Oct: ARA Regatta
- 10 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 4 Oct: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 6
- 3 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 3 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 27 Sep: ARC 6K Time Trial race 12
- 19 Sep: Tertiary Regatta
- 19 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Champs
- 13 Sep: Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 13 Sep: ARC 6K Time Trial race 11
- 12 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 5 Sep: Bay of Plenty Masters Tri-Series
- 5 Sep: Redding Shield
- 30 Aug: ARC 6K Time Trial race 10
- 27 Aug: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 22 Aug: Auckland Masters Tri-Series
- 22 Aug: Battle of the Bombay
- 16 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 16 Aug: ARC 6K Time Trial race 9
- 15 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 15 Aug: John Howard Memorial Winter Series 1
- 8 Aug: Cambridge Masters Tri-Series
- 5 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 2 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 2 Aug: ARC 6K Time Trial race 8
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 22 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 19 Jul: ARC 6K Time Trial race 7
- 10 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 5 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 5 Jul: 28th Summer Universiade
- 5 Jul: ARC 6K Time Trial race 6
- 2 Jul: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 21 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 21 Jun: ARC 6K Time Trial race 5
- 18 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 7 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 7 Jun: ARC 6K Time Trial race 4
- 31 May: ARC 6K Time Trial race 3
- 30 May: South Island Masters
- 17 May: Tamaki 7K # 2
- 10 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 10 May: Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 10 May: Cure BC Mothers Day Race
- 3 May: Tamaki 7K # 1
- 18 Apr: Bankstream Legion Masters Regatta
- 16 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 11 Apr: Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
- 3 Apr: Aon Universities Rowing Championships
- 23 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 14 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 7 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 6 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 28 Feb: Wanganui School Champs
- 21 Feb: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 17 Feb: Bankstream NZ Rowing Championships
- 14 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 13 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 7 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 6 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 31 Jan: Mangakino Junior Age Regatta
- 31 Jan: Wellington Provincial Championships
- 31 Jan: Wanganui Championships
- 31 Jan: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 23 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 17 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 17 Jan: Porirua Sprint 500
- 17 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 2 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 13 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 12 Dec: Karapiro Christmas Regatta
- 6 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 6 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 6 Dec: McLachlan Shield
- 6 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 6 Dec: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 30 Nov: Aon Billy Webb Challenge
- 29 Nov: Aon Jury Cup
- 29 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 29 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 23 Nov: Norton Cup
- 22 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 16 Nov: Rowing Waikato 5km Long Distance Race 6
- 15 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 9 Nov: Wanganui 10,000
- 9 Nov: Head of the Whanganui
- 2 Nov: PCUC Regatta
- 1 Nov: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 1 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 1 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 1 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 26 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 25 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 19 Oct: OSSRA Indoor Rowing Championships
- 12 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 12 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 12 Oct: Top of South Singles Regatta
- 11 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 11 Oct: ARA Regatta
- 5 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 5 Oct: Peter Baddely Memorial Long Distance Race
- 4 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 28 Sep: Cure BC Long Distance Race
- 20 Sep: Tertiary Regatta
- 20 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Championships
- 13 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 12 Sep: Battle of the Bombay
- 12 Sep: World University Rowing Championships
- 7 Sep: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 5
- 30 Aug: Redding Shield
- 28 Aug: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 24 Aug: World Rowing World Championships
- 18 Aug: Youth Olympics Rowing
- 17 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 10 Aug: Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 6 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 3 Aug: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 4
- 27 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 23 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 13 Jul: Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 11 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 6 Jul: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 3
- 4 Jul: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 19 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 8 Jun: Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 31 May: South Island Masters
- 11 May: Rowing Waikato 6/12km Long Distance Race 1
- 11 May: Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 26 Apr: Bankstream Legion Masters Regatta
- 25 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 19 Apr: Aon NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 28 Mar: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 24 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 8 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 7 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 1 Mar: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 23 Feb: 125th Anniversary College Race
- 22 Feb: Wanganui School Champs
- 18 Feb: Bankstream NZ Rowing Championships
- 15 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 14 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 8 Feb: NZ Masters Games Rowing Regatta
- 8 Feb: Wanganui Championships
- 7 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 7 Feb: NZ Masters Games Indoor Rowing
- 1 Feb: Mangakino Junior Age Regatta
- 1 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 25 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 24 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 18 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 18 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 3 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 14 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 13 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 7 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 7 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 7 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 7 Dec: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 30 Nov: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 24 Nov: ARA Regatta
- 23 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 16 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 10 Nov: Wanganui 10,000
- 10 Nov: Head of the Whanganui
- 9 Nov: Queens Cup
- 2 Nov: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 2 Nov: Porirua Goodwill
- 27 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 26 Oct: WTMC-TAKA Regatta
- 20 Oct: LVA Regatta
- 20 Oct: St Georges RC At Home Regatta
- 19 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 19 Oct: Norton Cup
- 6 Oct: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 6
- 5 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 5 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 21 Sep: Bankstream NZ Masters Championships
- 14 Sep: Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta
- 8 Sep: Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 8 Sep: ARA 7k 9
- 7 Sep: Gallagher The Great Race
- 6 Sep: U21 Trans-Tasman 2
- 1 Sep: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 5
- 31 Aug: Redding Shield
- 25 Aug: World Rowing World Championships
- 18 Aug: Mothes Shield
- 17 Aug: Battle of the Bombay
- 11 Aug: Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 11 Aug: ARA 7k 8
- 7 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 4 Aug: ARA 7k 7
- 4 Aug: Manawatu Grunt
- 4 Aug: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 4
- 24 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 21 Jul: Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 21 Jul: ARA 7k 6
- 12 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 9 Jul: U21 Trans-Tasman 1
- 7 Jul: ARA 7k 5
- 7 Jul: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 3
- 6 Jul: 27th Summer Universiade
- 30 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 23 Jun: ARA 7k 4
- 21 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 16 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 9 Jun: Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 9 Jun: ARA 7k 3
- 2 Jun: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 2
- 1 Jun: South Island Masters
- 26 May: ARA 7k 2
- 19 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 12 May: Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 12 May: ARA 7k 1
- 12 May: Rowing Waikato 12km Long Distance Race 1
- 27 Apr: BankLink Legion Masters Regatta
- 26 Apr: Aon NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 25 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 22 Mar: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 18 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 9 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 9 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 8 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 2 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 23 Feb: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta
- 19 Feb: BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
- 16 Feb: Aon Head of the Harbour
- 16 Feb: Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta
- 9 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 9 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 8 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 2 Feb: Mangakino Junior Age Regatta
- 2 Feb: Meridian S.I. Rowing Championships
- 2 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 25 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 19 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 19 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 19 Jan: Australian Youth Olympic Festival
- 12 Jan: Wanganui Championships
- 5 Jan: Hawkes Bay Cup Regatta
- 15 Dec: McLachlan Shield
- 15 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 14 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 8 Dec: Aon Jury Cup
- 8 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Championships
- 1 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 1 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 1 Dec: Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 1 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 1 Dec: Queens Cup
- 24 Nov: Foresight R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 17 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 11 Nov: Head of the Whanganui
- 11 Nov: Wanganui 10,000
- 10 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 3 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 3 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 28 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 28 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 27 Oct: Waitemata-TAKA Regatta
- 27 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 21 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 20 Oct: Head of Tamaki
- 14 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 6 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 6 Oct: R2K Singles Regatta
- 23 Sep: OSSRA Indoor Rowing Championships
- 22 Sep: Henley Bridge to Bridge
- 22 Sep: BankLink NZ Masters Championships
- 16 Sep: Redding Shield
- 9 Sep: Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 9 Sep: Gallagher The Great Race
- 8 Sep: St Georges RC At Home Regatta
- 2 Sep: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 5
- 15 Aug: World Rowing Senior / Junior World Championships
- 12 Aug: Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 5 Aug: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 4
- 28 Jul: Olympic Games
- 22 Jul: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 22 Jul: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 11 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 8 Jul: Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 1 Jul: Petone Solstice
- 1 Jul: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 3
- 29 Jun: Youth Cup
- 15 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 10 Jun: Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 3 Jun: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 2
- 2 Jun: South Island Masters
- 25 May: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 20 May: World Rowing Final Olympic Qualification
- 13 May: Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 13 May: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 1
- 3 May: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 28 Apr: BankLink Legion Masters Regatta
- 12 Apr: BankLink North vs South (Juniors)
- 6 Apr: Aon NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 26 Mar: Aon Maadi
- 10 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 9 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 4 Mar: Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 25 Feb: Mighty River Power River Power Junior Regatta
- 25 Feb: Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta
- 14 Feb: BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
- 11 Feb: Head of the Harbour
- 4 Feb: Wanganui Championships
- 28 Jan: Meridian S.I. Club Championships
- 27 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup
- 21 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 21 Jan: Marlborough Championships
- 21 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 14 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 13 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 2 Jan: H B Rowing
- 16 Dec: Christmas Regatta
- 10 Dec: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 10 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 3 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 3 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 3 Dec: Jury Cup
- 3 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 27 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 27 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 26 Nov: John's Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 19 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 13 Nov: Head of the Whanganui
- 13 Nov: Wanganui 10,000
- 12 Nov: rowIT 1,000,000mm (for novices)
- 6 Nov: Peter Baddely Memorial Long Distance Race
- 5 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 30 Oct: Whanganui River Challenge
- 29 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 29 Oct: Waitemata-TAKA Regatta
- 23 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 16 Oct: LVA Regatta
- 15 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 9 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 2 Oct: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 6
- 1 Oct: Norton Cup
- 1 Oct: R2K Singles Regatta
- 1 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 25 Sep: OSSRA Indoor Rowing Championships
- 24 Sep: BankLink NZ Masters Championships
- 11 Sep: Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 4 Sep: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 5
- 3 Sep: Redding Shield
- 28 Aug: World Rowing World Championships
- 21 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 21 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 14 Aug: Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 7 Aug: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 4
- 3 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 24 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 21 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 17 Jul: Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 8 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 3 Jul: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 3
- 19 Jun: Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 19 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 17 Jun: RNZ Winter Series 3
- 17 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 5 Jun: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 2
- 20 May: RNZ Winter Series 2
- 8 May: Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 1 May: Rowing Waikato 10km Long Distance Race 1
- 23 Apr: Aon NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 21 Apr: BankLink Inter-Island U18 Regatta
- 15 Apr: RNZ Winter Series 1
- 28 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 12 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 11 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 26 Feb: Mighty River Power Junior Regatta - KRI # 3
- 15 Feb: BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
- 12 Feb: Head of the Harbour
- 5 Feb: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 5 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 29 Jan: Meridian S.I. Club Championships
- 28 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup - KRI # 2
- 22 Jan: Wanganui Championships
- 22 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 22 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 15 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Championships
- 14 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 17 Dec: Christmas Regatta - KRI # 1
- 11 Dec: Meridian Otago Championships
- 4 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 4 Dec: Jury Cup
- 4 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 4 Dec: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 4 Dec: Karapiro Club Regatta
- 28 Nov: HAMC 1000m Sprint Regatta
- 27 Nov: John's Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 27 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 20 Nov: Queens Cup
- 20 Nov: BankLink NZ Masters Championships
- 14 Nov: Head of the Whanganui
- 14 Nov: Wanganui 12,000
- 31 Oct: World Rowing World Championships
- 31 Oct: Rotorua 1000m
- 24 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 23 Oct: Waitemata-TAKA Regatta
- 16 Oct: The Tonks Small Boat Race
- 16 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 2 Oct: North Island Provincial Regatta
- 11 Sep: Redding Shield
- 5 Sep: Gallagher Great Race
- 22 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 22 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 15 Aug: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 15 Aug: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 15 Aug: Youth Olympic Games
- 13 Aug: World University Rowing Championships
- 5 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 1 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 25 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 22 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 16 Jul: RNZ Winter Series 4
- 11 Jul: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 9 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 9 Jul: Youth Cup
- 4 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 20 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 20 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 18 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 18 Jun: RNZ Winter Series 3
- 13 Jun: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 28 May: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 21 May: RNZ Winter Series 2
- 9 May: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 9 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 24 Apr: BankLink Legion Masters Regatta
- 16 Apr: RNZ Winter Series 1
- 11 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 10 Apr: NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 10 Apr: Te Awamutu R C Masters Regatta
- 22 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 12 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 27 Feb: KRI # 3
- 16 Feb: BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
- 13 Feb: Head of the Harbour
- 12 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 6 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 6 Feb: Not the Wanganui Champs
- 29 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup (inc NI Champs) - KRI # 2
- 23 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 16 Jan: Meridian Otago Championships
- 28 Dec: H B Rowing
- 18 Dec: KRI # 1
- 12 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 5 Dec: KRI Club Regatta
- 5 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 5 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 29 Nov: Auckland Masters Regatta
- 29 Nov: Billy Webb Centennial Challenge
- 28 Nov: Jury Cup
- 28 Nov: Ashburton Regatta
- 21 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant # 2
- 21 Nov: Karapiro Spring Regatta
- 8 Nov: Peter Baddely Memorial Long Distance Race
- 7 Nov: Watkins Motors 12,000
- 7 Nov: Head of the Whanganui
- 7 Nov: Queens Cup
- 7 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 7 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant # 1
- 7 Nov: Rotorua 1000m
- 7 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Indoors
- 1 Nov: Four Bridges River Race
- 1 Nov: CRA Eights Long Distance race 2
- 31 Oct: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 31 Oct: Waitemata-TAKA Regatta
- 25 Oct: The Tonks 6k Small Boat Race
- 18 Oct: Canterbury Corporate Eights
- 18 Oct: LVA Regatta
- 11 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 4 Oct: Mainland Inter-provincial Championships
- 4 Oct: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 3 Oct: North Island Provincial Regatta
- 3 Oct: R2K Singles Regatta
- 27 Sep: Great Race
- 26 Sep: BankLink NZ Masters Championships
- 19 Sep: Norton Cup
- 13 Sep: Cure BC Long Distance Race
- 13 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 12 Sep: Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 5 Sep: Redding Shield
- 5 Sep: St Georges RC 5km Race
- 23 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Bishop Owen Oar)
- 23 Aug: Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)
- 23 Aug: World Rowing World Championships
- 16 Aug: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 9 Aug: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 8 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 5 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 2 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 26 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 26 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 23 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 12 Jul: Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 10 Jul: Youth Cup
- 10 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 10 Jul: RNZ Winter Series 4
- 5 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 21 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 19 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 19 Jun: RNZ Winter Series 3
- 14 Jun: Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 5 Jun: Youth Cup Trials
- 31 May: South Island Masters
- 29 May: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 22 May: RNZ Winter Series 2
- 17 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 10 May: Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 19 Apr: Lake Hayes Regatta
- 19 Apr: Te Awamutu R C Masters Regatta
- 17 Apr: North vs South (Juniors)
- 11 Apr: NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 30 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 21 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 14 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 13 Mar: N.I.S.S. Championships
- 8 Mar: Wanganui Secondary School Championships
- 8 Mar: Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 7 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 28 Feb: KRI # 3
- 28 Feb: Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta
- 28 Feb: Wanganui Masters
- 21 Feb: Counties Mercer Junior Regatta
- 17 Feb: BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
- 14 Feb: Head of the Harbour
- 14 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 13 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 7 Feb: Lower North Island Championships Tournament
- 7 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 31 Jan: North Island Club Championships
- 31 Jan: S.I. Club Championships
- 24 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup - KRI # 2
- 24 Jan: Canterbury Championships
- 17 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 10 Jan: Meridian Otago Championships
- 13 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 13 Dec: ARA 125th Anniversary - KRI # 1
- 13 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 7 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 7 Dec: Billy Webb Centennial Challenge
- 6 Dec: Jury Regatta
- 6 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 30 Nov: Lake Hood Regatta
- 23 Nov: Head of the Taieri
- 22 Nov: Norton Cup
- 22 Nov: Wilson Memorial ORC Regatta
- 15 Nov: WRA/KRI Spring 2K Regatta
- 15 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 9 Nov: Waikato River Challenge
- 8 Nov: Watkins Nissan LMVD 12,000
- 8 Nov: Head of the Whanganui
- 8 Nov: EvansAbove Dental SS 1X Champs
- 8 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club 2000m Regatta
- 8 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club 1000m Regatta
- 8 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 8 Nov: NERC Regatta
- 8 Nov: Rotorua 1000m
- 2 Nov: Queens Cup
- 2 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 6
- 1 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 1 Nov: Waitemata-TAKA Regatta
- 1 Nov: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 6
- 26 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 19 Oct: Billy Webb
- 19 Oct: Novice Dashes 1
- 18 Oct: The Whangarei Regatta
- 12 Oct: North End RC Corporate Eights (Outoors)
- 5 Oct: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 4 Oct: North End RC Corporate Eights (Indoors)
- 4 Oct: Concept 2 R2K
- 27 Sep: Inter-provincial Rowing Championships
- 21 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 5
- 21 Sep: PCUC Regatta
- 20 Sep: NZ Masters Championships
- 14 Sep: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 14 Sep: Long Distance Race 4
- 13 Sep: St Georges RC 125th Anniversary Regatta
- 7 Sep: Redding Shield
- 7 Sep: Gallagher Great Race
- 5 Sep: Youth Cup
- 5 Sep: World University Rowing Championships
- 31 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 17 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 17 Aug: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 10 Aug: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 9 Aug: Olympic Games
- 3 Aug: Long Distance Race 3
- 3 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 1 Aug: Youth Cup Trials
- 22 Jul: World Rowing Senior / Junior World Championships
- 20 Jul: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 20 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 17 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 13 Jul: Long Distance Race 2
- 6 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 28 Jun: RNZ Winter Series 3
- 20 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 15 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 15 Jun: Long Distance Race 1
- 15 Jun: World Rowing Final Olympic Qualification
- 8 Jun: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 7 Jun: RNZ Winter Series 2
- 1 Jun: South Island Masters
- 1 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 30 May: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 25 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 11 May: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 9 May: RNZ Winter Series 1
- 8 May: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 26 Apr: Legion Masters Regatta
- 19 Apr: NZ Universities Rowing Championships
- 13 Apr: Lake Hayes Regatta
- 31 Mar: Aon Maadi Cup
- 15 Mar: Meridian S.I.S.S. Championships
- 14 Mar: Aon N.I.S.S. Championships
- 9 Mar: McLachlan Shield
- 8 Mar: Clobber Wanganui Secondary School Championships
- 8 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 1 Mar: KRI # 3
- 19 Feb: BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
- 16 Feb: Head of the Harbour
- 15 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 9 Feb: Cosmopolitan Club Wanganui Championships
- 9 Feb: S.I. Club Championships
- 6 Feb: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Championships
- 6 Feb: Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 3 Feb: NZ Masters Games Indoor Rowing
- 2 Feb: North Island Club Championships
- 2 Feb: NZ Masters Games Rowing Regatta
- 26 Jan: Cambridge Town Cup - KRI # 2
- 26 Jan: Canterbury Championships
- 12 Jan: Whanganui River Top 10 Holiday Park Rose Bowl
- 12 Jan: Otago Championships
- 15 Dec: KRI # 1
- 8 Dec: Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta
- 8 Dec: Marlborough Championships
- 2 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 1 Dec: Whanganui River Top 10 Holiday Park Jury Regatta
- 1 Dec: Head of the Waikato
- 25 Nov: Ashburton Regatta
- 24 Nov: Waikato/Bay of Plenty Secondary School Championships
- 24 Nov: Auckland Long Distance Race 2
- 24 Nov: John's Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 17 Nov: Gisborne Sprint Regatta
- 17 Nov: Norton Cup
- 17 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 17 Nov: Waikato 2K
- 11 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 10 Nov: Joe Lett Ltd - Marine Head of the Whanganui
- 10 Nov: Watkins Nissan LMVD 12,000
- 10 Nov: NERC Regatta
- 10 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 4 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 4
- 4 Nov: Wilson Memorial ORC Regatta
- 3 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 3 Nov: Peter Baddeley 10k
- 3 Nov: Queens Cup
- 28 Oct: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 27 Oct: Clobber Spring Secondary Schools
- 27 Oct: United Travel Secondary Schools Single Scull Champs
- 27 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 27 Oct: Waitemata-TGS Regatta
- 26 Oct: Mcknight and Brown Indoor Rowing Challenge
- 21 Oct: Cromwell to Clyde Long Distance
- 20 Oct: The Whangarei Regatta
- 20 Oct: Billy Webb
- 14 Oct: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 6
- 14 Oct: NZ Secondary School Indoor Rowing Championships
- 13 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 13 Oct: Waikato River Challenge
- 7 Oct: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 6
- 6 Oct: Auckland Long Distance Race 1
- 29 Sep: Inter-provincial Rowing Championships
- 22 Sep: Concept 2 R2K
- 16 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 9 Sep: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 5
- 8 Sep: Gallagher Great Race
- 2 Sep: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5
- 1 Sep: Corporate/Schools
- 31 Aug: Youth Cup
- 26 Aug: World Rowing World Championships
- 19 Aug: Redding Shield
- 14 Aug: Otago/Southland Girls High Triangular Rowing Regatta
- 12 Aug: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 4
- 8 Aug: World Rowing Junior Championships
- 5 Aug: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 4
- 29 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 26 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Championships
- 15 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 2
- 13 Jul: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 8 Jul: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 3
- 1 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 22 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 17 Jun: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 10 Jun: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 2
- 10 Jun: Long Distance Race 1
- 3 Jun: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2
- 13 May: Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 1
- 12 May: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 1
- 26 Mar: Aon NZ Maadi Cup
- 16 Mar: N.I.S.S. Championships
- 3 Mar: South Island School Championships
- 20 Feb: BankLink National Championships
- 13 Jan: Rose Bowl Wanganui
- 6 Aug: Long Distance Race 3
- 9 Jul: Long Distance Race 2
- 11 Jun: Long Distance Race 1
- 27 Mar: Aon NZ Maadi
- 11 Sep: Long Distance Race 5
- 14 Aug: Long Distance Race 4
- 7 Aug: Long Distance Race 3
- 12 Jul: Long Distance Race 2
- 12 Jun: Long Distance Race 1
- 3 Apr: Aon NZ Maadi
- 12 Sep: Long Distance Race 4
- 1 Aug: Long Distance Race 3
- 10 Jul: Long Distance Race 2
- 13 Jun: Long Distance Race 1
- 22 Mar: Scottwood Trust Maadi
- 23 Mar: PPCS Maadi
upcoming regattas
February 2025Kerrs Reach
February 2025Kerrs Reach
- Regatta starts 16 February 2025
February ends 2025-02-22 2025Lake Ruataniwha
February ends 2025-02-22 2025Lake Ruataniwha
- SUPPLEMENTARIES close 17 February 2025 (9:00AM)
February 2025Oreti River
February 2025Oreti River
- Regatta starts 22 February 2025
February ends 2025-02-23 2025Lake Hood
February ends 2025-02-23 2025Lake Hood
- Entries close 18 February 2025 (10:00PM)
February ends 2025-02-23 2025Lake Karāpiro
February ends 2025-02-23 2025Lake Karāpiro
Sponsored by: College Sport Auckland

- Entries close 12 February 2025 (8:00AM)
March ends 2025-03-01 2025Korokoro
March ends 2025-03-01 2025Korokoro
- Entries close 18 February 2025 (10:00PM)
March ends 2025-03-09 2025Lake Karāpiro
March ends 2025-03-09 2025Lake Karāpiro
- Entries close 26 February 2025 (8:00AM)
March ends 2025-03-15 2025Korokoro TO BE CONFIRMED
March ends 2025-03-15 2025Korokoro TO BE CONFIRMED
- Regatta starts 15 March 2025
March ends 2025-03-29 2025Lake Karāpiro
March ends 2025-03-29 2025Lake Karāpiro
- Entries open 27 February 2025
April ends 2025-04-06 2025Orewa Beach
April ends 2025-04-06 2025Orewa Beach
- Entries close 18 March 2025 (10:00PM)
April ends 2025-04-19 2025Lake Ruataniwha
April ends 2025-04-19 2025Lake Ruataniwha
- Entries open 18 March 2025
May ends 2025-05-04 2025Lake Karāpiro
May ends 2025-05-04 2025Lake Karāpiro
Sponsored by: Nielsen Kellerman (NZ)

- Entries open 10 April 2025
May ends 2025-05-04 2025Kaiapoi River
May ends 2025-05-04 2025Kaiapoi River
- Regatta starts 4 May 2025
May 2025Otago Harbour
May 2025Otago Harbour
- Regatta starts 10 May 2025
May 2025Kerrs Reach
May 2025Kerrs Reach
- Regatta starts 24 May 2025
June 2025Whanganui (2k)
June 2025Whanganui (2k)
- Regatta starts 21 June 2025
June ends 2025-06-21 2025Korokoro
June ends 2025-06-21 2025Korokoro
- Entries open 22 May 2025
October ends 2025-10-12 2025Lake Ruataniwha
October ends 2025-10-12 2025Lake Ruataniwha
- Entries open 11 September 2025
February ends 2026-02-21 2026Lake Karāpiro
February ends 2026-02-21 2026Lake Karāpiro
- Entries open 17 January 2026
March ends 2026-03-08 2026Lake Karāpiro
March ends 2026-03-08 2026Lake Karāpiro
- Entries open 6 February 2026
March ends 2026-03-28 2026Lake Ruataniwha
March ends 2026-03-28 2026Lake Ruataniwha
- Entries open 23 February 2026
pending / missing results
August 2024Tokaanu canal, Lake Taupo
August 2024Tokaanu canal, Lake Taupo
Tokaanu canal, Lake Taupo
May 2024Titahi Bay Beach, Porirua, Wellington
May 2024Titahi Bay Beach, Porirua, Wellington
Titahi Bay Beach, Porirua, Wellington
Sponsored by: Swift Racing

- 2 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Champs
- 25 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 28 Oct: NZ Indoor Rowing Champs
- 14 May: SeaThru Bridge 2 Bridge 10km Rowing Race
- 26 Feb: CRA Sprint Series 6
- 12 Feb: Head of the River
- 12 Feb: CRA Sprint Series 5
- 22 Jan: Rigtec Billy Webb Challenge
- 3 Dec: Meridian Marlborough Champs
- 26 Nov: CRA Sprint Series 3
- 26 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 19 Nov: CRA Sprint Series 2
- 19 Nov: Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Head of the river)
- 19 Nov: Whanganui Bridge 2 Bridge (Whanganui 10km)
- 30 Oct: Lion Foundation Pennant Regatta
- 30 Oct: CRA Sprint Series 1
- 20 Aug: John Howard Memorial Series 1
- 8 May: SeaThru Bridge 2 Bridge 10km Rowing Race
- 3 Jan: Coastal Rowing Beach Sprints
- 2 May: SeaThru Bridge 2 Bridge 10km Rowing Race
- 13 Mar: Riverton Quads Dash for Cash
- 27 Feb: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 14 Feb: Head of the River
- 13 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 9 Feb: NZ Masters Games 4km Race
- 23 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Meridian Energy Southland Champs
- 5 Dec: Estuary Long Distance race 2
- 5 Dec: Central Otago Champs
- 28 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 21 Nov: Southland Legion of Rowers Regatta
- 8 Nov: PCUC Regatta
- 7 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 1 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance
- 31 Oct: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 24 Oct: Dunstan Arm Sprint Regatta
- 17 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 15 Aug: Canterbury masters Champs
- 16 Feb: Head of the River Eights
- 8 Feb: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 30 Nov: Marlborough Champs
- 30 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 24 Nov: LVA Regatta
- 23 Nov: Auckland City Sprints
- 16 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 16 Nov: Wilson Memorial Regatta
- 3 Nov: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 7
- 20 Oct: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 6
- 20 Oct: OSSRA Indoor Rowing Champs
- 12 Oct: Picton Rowing Club Long Distance Paddle
- 5 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 28 Sep: John Howard Memorial Series 2
- 22 Sep: Henley Bridge to Bridge
- 15 Sep: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 5
- 1 Sep: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 4
- 25 Aug: World Rowing World Champs
- 24 Aug: John Howard Memorial Series 1
- 18 Aug: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 4
- 13 Aug: World Rowing University Regatta
- 7 Aug: World Rowing Junior Champs
- 4 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 4 Aug: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 3
- 24 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Champs
- 21 Jul: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 3
- 7 Jul: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 2
- 16 Jun: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 2
- 9 Jun: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 1
- 19 May: Meridian Southland Long Distance Series 1
- 2 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 9 Feb: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 7 Feb: NZ Masters Games Indoor Rowing
- 26 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 24 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 18 Nov: Wilson Memorial Regatta
- 17 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 11 Nov: OSSRA Indoor Rowing Champs
- 10 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 4 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance
- 21 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 13 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 2 Sep: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 4
- 5 Aug: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 3
- 4 Jul: Trans-Tasman Universities Test Series
- 1 Jul: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 2
- 24 Feb: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 17 Feb: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 9 Feb: NZ Masters Games Indoor Rowing
- 20 Jan: Invercargill Licensing Trust Southland Champs
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 25 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 25 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 12 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 11 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 11 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 5 Nov: Stream-start Long Distance
- 5 Nov: OSSRA Indoor Rowing Champs
- 5 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant
- 4 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 4 Nov: Wilson Memorial Regatta
- 29 Oct: PCUC Regatta
- 28 Oct: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 22 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 15 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 8 Apr: Te Awamutu Masters Regatta
- 26 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 9 Oct: Cure BC Long Distance Race
- 4 Sep: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 4
- 7 Aug: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 3
- 3 Jul: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 2
- 12 Jun: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 1
- 22 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 31 Oct: Corporate Regatta
- 18 Oct: OSSRA Indoor Rowing Champs
- 17 Oct: AVNC Corporate Regatta
- 11 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 4 Oct: Peter Baddely Memorial Long Distance Race
- 30 Aug: World Rowing World Champs
- 12 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 14 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 8 Feb: Wilson Memorial ORC Regatta
- 7 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 29 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 23 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 22 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 22 Nov: Test Inter-club Regatta
- 15 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 9 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant
- 9 Nov: St Georges RC At Home Regatta
- 8 Nov: NOEC Corporate Eights
- 8 Nov: Short-course Inter-club Regatta
- 2 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance 6
- 19 Oct: LVA Regatta
- 19 Oct: Short Course Bluff Regatta
- 12 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 27 Sep: John Howard Memorial Winter Series 2
- 7 Sep: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 5
- 7 Sep: Head of the Taieri
- 6 Sep: Auckland Masters
- 16 Aug: John Howard Memorial Winter Series 1
- 3 Aug: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 4
- 6 Jul: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 3
- 8 Jun: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 2
- 11 May: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 1
- 13 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 15 Mar: Masters and Juniors Regatta
- 15 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 6 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 30 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 30 Nov: Legion Regatta
- 24 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 23 Nov: NOEC Regatta
- 16 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 9 Nov: NOEC Corporate Eights
- 9 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant
- 3 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance 6
- 3 Nov: PCUC Regatta
- 2 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 2 Nov: OSSRA Regatta Term 4
- 2 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 13 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 13 Oct: Canterbury Corporate Eights
- 1 Sep: Head of the Taieri
- 31 Aug: Wilson Memorial ORC Regatta
- 15 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 9 Dec: Billy Webb Challenge
- 7 Dec: Billy Webb Wildcard Sprints
- 25 Nov: Auckland Masters Regatta
- 11 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 14 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 6 Oct: Peter Baddely Memorial Long Distance Race
- 31 Aug: RPC Selection Regatta
- 4 Aug: WELC Corporate Regatta
- 15 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 17 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 26 Feb: Head of the Taieri
- 25 Feb: Wilson Memorial ORC Regatta
- 11 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 6 Feb: NZ Masters Games Indoor Rowing
- 4 Feb: NZ Masters Games Rowing Regatta
- 26 Dec: Riverton Boxing Day Regatta
- 17 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 3 Dec: 4+ Sprints
- 26 Nov: Ashburton Club Regatta
- 26 Nov: Timaru RC Timaru Corporate Eights
- 20 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 20 Nov: HAMC 1000m Sprint Regatta
- 19 Nov: NERC Regatta
- 19 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 5 Nov: Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta
- 5 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant # 2
- 29 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 23 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 15 Oct: Clark Boyce Pennant # 1
- 24 Sep: School Club Regatta
- 17 Sep: St Georges RC At Home Regatta
- 11 Sep: Gallagher Great Race
- 6 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 17 Apr: Lake Hayes Scullers Regatta
- 20 Mar: Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 19 Mar: OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta
- 5 Mar: Wanganui School Champs
- 12 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 11 Feb: WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta
- 2 Jan: H B Rowing
- 5 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 27 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 27 Nov: LVA Regatta
- 27 Nov: Clark Boyce Pennant
- 21 Nov: Peter Baddely Memorial Long Distance Race
- 20 Nov: Te Awamutu Rowing Club Regatta
- 14 Nov: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 7
- 13 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 13 Nov: Billy Webb Challenge
- 12 Nov: Billy Webb Challenge Sprints
- 1 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 7
- 17 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 17 Oct: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 6
- 16 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 10 Oct: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 6
- 2 Oct: R2K Singles Regatta
- 26 Sep: Mainland Inter-provincial Champs
- 19 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 5
- 11 Sep: St Georges RC At Home Regatta
- 14 Aug: Corporate Regatta
- 18 Jul: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 3
- 5 Jun: South Island Masters
- 24 May: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 1
- 13 Mar: Avon River Schools Eights
- 6 Mar: Meridian S.I. Junior Champs
- 27 Feb: Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta
- 13 Feb: OSSRA Regatta Term 1
- 6 Feb: Meridian S.I. Club Champs
- 31 Jan: NZ Masters Games Indoor Rowing
- 30 Jan: Meridian Canterbury Champs
- 30 Jan: NZ Masters Games Rowing Regatta
- 23 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 12 Dec: 4+ Sprints
- 6 Dec: Legion Regatta
- 28 Nov: R F Bennett Memorial Shield
- 21 Nov: Waihopai Corpor8 Eights
- 15 Nov: Head of the Taieri
- 14 Nov: Wilson Memorial ORC Regatta
- 8 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 7 Nov: 1km Race
- 7 Nov: NERC Regatta
- 1 Nov: Bridge to Bridge Race (Auck)
- 31 Oct: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 24 Oct: DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde)
- 17 Oct: Novice Dashes
- 17 Oct: Simply Singles
- 17 Oct: North End RC Corporate Eights
- 17 Oct: PCUC Regatta
- 10 Oct: CRA Eights Long Distance race 1
- 10 Oct: The Whangarei Regatta
- 20 Sep: Bridge to Bridge Long Distance Race 5
- 6 Sep: Otago Long Distance Race 4
- 2 Aug: Otago Long Distance Race 3
- 5 Jul: Otago Long Distance Race 2
- 28 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 7 Jun: Otago Long Distance Race 1
- 30 May: Bluebridge Long Distance Race
- 2 May: Legion Masters Regatta
- 3 Jan: H B Rowing
- 22 Dec: Tauranga Sprints
- 30 Nov: BankLink Masters and Corporate Regatta
- 29 Nov: Bennett Shield
- 29 Nov: John's Trophy Sprint Regatta
- 9 Nov: Dunedin Regatta Club Regatta
- 8 Nov: Head of the Waikato
- 1 Nov: Aoraki 1000m Regatta
- 18 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 20 Sep: Local ARA IPC Regatta
- 31 Aug: Indoor Erg Contest 2
- 10 Aug: Indoor Erg Contest 1
- 31 May: Bluebridge Long Distance Race
- 9 Mar: Masters & Juniors Regatta
- 1 Mar: Fulton Hogan Schools Regatta
- 19 Jan: Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta
- 2 Jan: H B Rowing
- 15 Dec: Sprint Regatta
- 8 Dec: Mercer Club Regatta
- 2 Dec: Auckland Masters
- 1 Dec: North Shore RC Bennett Shield
- 1 Dec: Pennant # 2
- 10 Nov: Estuary Eights
- 3 Nov: Pennant # 1
- 13 Oct: New Brighton Eights
no results
- 23 Nov:
Norton Cup - 16 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 3 Nov:
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta - 6 Oct:
Picton Rowing Club Long Distance Row - 14 Sep:
Victoria University Inter-faculty Regatta - 25 Aug:
Redding Shield - 4 Aug:
Manawatu Grunt - 4 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 13 Apr:
North Island Beach Sprint Champs - 9 Mar:
McLachlan Shield Back-up date - 24 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 4 Feb:
McLachlan Shield
- 25 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 25 Nov:
Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta - 4 Nov:
Rotorua 1000m - 14 Oct: Porirua Goodwill
- 8 Oct:
Queens Cup - 13 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 13 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 16 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 18 Mar:
McLachlan Shield Back-up date - 25 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 14 Jan: CRA Sprint Series 4
- 26 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 5 Nov:
Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River - 4 Sep:
Redding Shield - 7 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 7 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 31 Jul:
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 3 - 24 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 12 Jun:
Blinkhorne & Carroll Whanganui Winter Series 2 - 27 May: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 26 Feb:
Bay of Plenty School Regatta - 26 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 28 Jan:
North Island Rowing Champs
- 18 Dec:
Norton Cup - 17 Dec:
Karapiro Christmas Regatta - 11 Dec:
Jury Cup - 11 Dec:
Mercer Club Regatta - 5 Dec:
Karapiro Club Regatta, Day 2 - 4 Dec:
Johns Trophy Sprint Regatta - 4 Dec:
Karapiro Club Regatta, Day 1 - 27 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 14 Nov:
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 2 - 13 Nov:
Karapiro Memorial Regatta, Day 1 - 7 Nov:
Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta - 6 Nov:
R F Bennett Memorial Shield - 6 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 30 Oct:
Clive Steenson Memorial Regatta - 17 Oct:
Redding Shield - 17 Oct:
Waikato River Race - 17 Oct:
Queens Cup - 17 Oct:
World Rowing World Champs - 9 Oct: Concept 2 R2K Singles Regatta
- 2 Oct:
Nielsen Kellerman (NZ) North Island Masters Champs - 25 Sep:
Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River - 5 Sep:
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5 - 1 Sep:
World Masters Regatta - 22 Aug:
Wellington Masters Champs - 11 Aug: World Rowing Junior Champs
- 7 Jul: World Rowing U23 World Champs
- 5 Jun:
South Island Masters - 4 Jun: World Rowing World Cup 3
- 21 May: World Rowing World Cup 2
- 30 Apr: World Rowing World Cup 1
- 5 Mar:
Meridian S.I.S.S.C. - 5 Mar:
Aon N.I.S.S.C. - 27 Feb:
Canterbury Junior Regatta - 6 Feb:
Whanganui Club and School Champs - 3 Jan: Coastal Rowing Beach Sprints
- 28 Nov:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 28 Nov:
Clyde Regatta - 15 Nov:
Wilson Memorial Regatta - 14 Nov:
NOEC Regatta - 14 Nov:
Waihopai Corpor8 Eights - 31 Oct:
Waikato 100 - 11 Oct:
Queens Cup - 26 Sep:
Rowing Waikato Head of the Waikato River - 20 Sep:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 6 - 19 Sep:
NZ Masters Champs - 13 Sep:
Redding Shield - 6 Sep:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 5 - 30 Aug:
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5 - 29 Aug:
Legion North Island Masters Champs - 23 Aug:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 4 - 22 Aug:
John Howard Memorial Series 1 - 16 Aug:
World Rowing Junior / U23 / Senior World Champs - 2 Aug:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 3 - 30 May:
South Island Masters - 22 May:
World Rowing World Cup 3 - 17 May:
World Rowing Final Olympic Qualification - 1 May:
World Rowing World Cup 2 - 26 Apr:
Legion Masters Regatta - 14 Apr:
North vs South (Juniors) - 10 Apr:
Aon University Rowing Champs - 10 Apr:
World Rowing World Cup 1 - 30 Mar:
Aon Maadi
- 21 Dec:
4+ Sprints - 10 Nov:
Clark Boyce Pennant - 9 Nov:
Porirua RC Goodwill - 2 Nov:
R F Bennett Memorial Shield - 27 Oct:
DARC Long Eights (Cromwell to Clyde) - 18 Aug:
Wellington Masters Champs - 4 Aug:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 6 - 27 Jul:
Mercer Masters Regatta - 21 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt
- 16 Dec:
Clark Boyce 4+ Sprints - 4 Nov:
Clark Boyce Pennant 2 - 4 Nov:
PCUC Regatta - 3 Nov:
Norton Cup - 28 Oct:
St Georges RC 5km Regatta - 20 Oct:
Clark Boyce Pennant 1 - 13 Oct:
Indoor Sprint Champs - 10 Jun: Otago Winter Long Distance Race 1
- 21 Apr:
Te Awamutu Masters Regatta - 10 Mar:
Whanganui School Champs - 10 Mar:
Mercury Junior Regatta - 10 Feb:
NZ Masters Games Rowing Regatta - 9 Feb:
WTLB Junior Rowing Regatta - 20 Jan:
Auckland Club Champs
- 9 Dec:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 12 Nov:
Cure BC Long Distance Race - 11 Nov:
Queens Cup - 4 Nov:
Karapiro Guy Fawkes 250m Sprint Regatta - 24 Sep:
Henley Bridge to Bridge - 2 Sep:
Masters Tri-Series, Bay of Plenty - 13 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 12 Aug:
Masters Tri-Series, Auckland - 23 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 9 Jul:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 3 - 14 May:
Wanganui Winter Series 1 - 15 Apr:
Porirua Sprint 500 - 18 Mar:
McLachlan Shield (Back-up date) - 4 Mar:
Wanganui School Champs
- 11 Dec:
Wellington Provincial Champs - 26 Nov:
Queens Cup - 6 Nov:
Wilson Memorial Regatta - 15 Oct:
Huntly Sprint Regatta - 8 Oct:
Gallagher The Great Race - 18 Sep:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 10 - 17 Sep:
Tertiary Regatta - 24 Jul:
Manawatu Grunt - 24 Jul:
ARC 6K Winter Series race 6 - 3 Jul: Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 3
- 13 Feb:
Wanganui Champs - 6 Feb:
Mangakino Junior Age Regatta - 9 Jan:
Porirua Sprint 500
- 19 Dec:
Queens Cup - 22 Nov:
Marlborough Novice Inter-club Regatta - 21 Nov:
WRA # 3 - 14 Nov:
Te Awamutu Small Boats Sprint Regatta - 31 Oct:
OSSRA Regatta Term 4 - 18 Oct: LVA Regatta
- 4 Oct:
WRA Regatta 1 - 26 Sep:
Picton Rowing Club Long Distance Paddle - 26 Sep:
John Howard Memorial Winter Series 2 - 6 Sep:
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5 - 9 Aug:
Wanganui Winter Series 4 - 12 Jul:
Wanganui Winter Series 3 - 21 Jun:
Wanganui Winter Series 2 - 24 May: U21 Trials
- 14 Feb:
Wellington Schools
- 26 Dec:
Riverton Boxing Day Regatta - 1 Nov:
Queens Cup - 14 Sep:
Wanganui Winter Series 5 - 22 Jun: Petone Solstice
- 1 Jun:
Rowing Waikato 6/12km Long Distance Race 2 - 15 Mar:
Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta - 15 Mar:
McLachlan Shield - 1 Feb:
Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta
- 7 Dec:
Bishop Owen Oar - 1 Dec:
Billy Webb Challenge - 30 Nov:
Aon Jury Cup - 13 Oct:
The Tonks Small Boat Race - 12 Oct:
Short Course Bluff Regatta - 24 Aug:
Tertiary Regatta - 2 Mar:
Wellington Schools
- 13 Oct:
Central Challenge - 29 Sep:
Norton Cup - 1 Sep:
University and Polytechnic Regatta - 22 Jul: Manawatu Grunt
- 3 Mar:
Wanganui School Champs
- 4 Dec:
Schools Head for Eights and Singles - 4 Dec:
Corporate Eights - 27 Nov:
Auckland Masters Regatta - 19 Nov:
Porirua Pennant - 12 Nov:
Woolworths Rosebowl - 5 Nov:
Queens Cup - 8 Oct:
North Island Provincial Regatta - 27 Feb:
Canterbury Mazda Schools Regatta - 26 Feb:
McLachlan Shield 1 - 26 Feb:
McLachlan Shield
- 11 Dec:
McLachlan Shield - 14 Nov:
Norton Cup - 12 Oct:
Cure BC Long Distance Race - 10 Oct: Head of the Taieri
- 9 Oct: Wilson Memorial ORC Regatta
- 2 Oct:
Inter-provincial Champs - 19 Sep:
Clobber Wanganui Winter Series 5 - 5 Sep:
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 5 - 6 Jun:
Rowing Waikato Long Distance Race 2 - 13 Mar:
OSSRA Head Of Harbour Regatta - 6 Mar:
Meridian S.I.S.S.C. - 6 Mar:
Wanganui School Champs - 6 Feb:
Wanganui Champs - 9 Jan:
Display Associates Rose Bowl
- 12 Dec:
John's Trophy Sprint Regatta - 28 Nov:
Head of the Waikato - 7 Nov:
Invercargill RC Sprint Regatta - 10 Oct:
Whakatane Regatta - 26 Sep:
Inter-provincial Rowing Champs - 7 Feb:
Wanganui Champs - 31 Jan:
Wellington Provincial Championship Regatta - 10 Jan:
Rose Bowl
- 23 Nov:
Waikato/Bay of Plenty Secondary School Champs - 9 Nov:
Novice Dashes 2 - 8 Nov:
Bluff Regatta - 25 Oct:
EvansAbove Dental Spring Secondary Schools - 25 Oct:
Tauranga Novice/Masters - 31 Aug:
Bishop Owen Oar - 31 Aug:
Mothes Shield - 24 Aug:
Manawatu Grunt - 16 Aug: Auckland IPC Trials
- 22 Jun:
Petone Solstice - 17 Feb:
OSSRA Regatta Term 1 - 1 Feb:
Wanganui Masters
- 18 Dec:
Bishop Owen Oar - 25 Nov:
ARA 1 - 17 Nov:
KRI Spring Regatta - 10 Nov:
Bluff Regatta - 3 Nov:
PCUC Regatta - 27 Oct: LVA - ECRA
- 15 Sep: Auckland Pre-provincial Regatta
- 15 Sep:
Mothes Shield