rowIT versioning: 5.15.487

The current rowIT version is "5.15.487". There are three parts to rowIT's versioning: [major version].[minor version].[changelog tracking].[ajax]

  • Major version: this number records the hugely significant milestones.
    1. was the first fully functioning release.
    2. marked an important and considerable overhaul of the squad management system, the fees module and results recording (together with the accumulated weight of a year's updates and improvements).
    3. saw the underlying databases restructured to better facilitate adding features. This also marked the introduction of major features for regatta hosts, including programme control and draw management.
    4. introduced AJAX features to the website.
  • Minor version: this number is incremented to mark the release of new features, noteworthy updates and bugfixes. It is zeroed whenever there is a major version change and should be read as an integer not a decimal number (i.e. X.10 is a higher version than X.9)
  • Changelog tracking: this number records all the changes that are being made to rowIT's constituent files. Those changes are a mix of updates, new features, bug fixes, improvements, etc. Many of the changes are small, some almost insignificant, but others have a greater impact and result in the minor or major version number being incremented.
  • Ajax: if you're viewing the site with a modern browser then you get AJAX features (e.g. search-as-you-type for competitor names) and the version ends in ".A". If you're logged in and have turned AJAX off then the version shows ends with ".a".

In among the long list of features to implement is bringing the changelog online so you can see where the improvements are happening - rather than finding them as you navigate the website!

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You only require a rowIT login for running regattas or if you have been given the job of making entries for an organisation.


Clubs. If you only have a password for the RowingNZ website then you will need a rowIT login so please contact us.

Schools. If you have a password provided by NZSSRA then you should log in through the school rowing website.